The Villains Of The Internet

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Gentle criminal how you found Izuku injured in the alleyway and instead of taking him to the hospital he bought them to his home so him and La brava could help him but when they were going bandaging his body they saw that some of the serious boons he had he got to heal on their own immediately, after that they let him rest to recover quickly but times when they checked up on him they noticed that he wasn't getting up from any response and they realize that he was in a coma, so they hooked them up to an IV, everyday Gentle Criminal and La Brava we're in the room to check on him and to replace his bag of water.

~Gentle criminal~

"So that is all I have to tell you, is there anything else you wish to know?"


"Yes, how long was I in a coma?"

~Gentle Criminal~

"4 days."


"Oh I see, then I think I should go now since I'm awake."

Izuku then try to get off the bed but Gentleman and La Brava stopped him before he could get one of his legs off the bed.

~Gentle Criminal~

"Your body's too weak to even move right, you must rest and punish your strength."


I'll be fine, I've survived worse than this."

~Gentle Criminal~

"That might be true but if you try and stand up you would just end up on the ground, stay in bed for the time being replenish your strength and once your strength has come back to you then you are allowed to walk out the front door at any time, just please don't push yourself."


"Fine, I'll rest until I gained enough strength."

~Gentle Criminal~

"Good, now La Brava let us leave so Sir Midoriya continue resting."

~La Brava~

"Yes Gentle."

Once the both of them stepped out Izuku laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling and begin thinking of what the Leagu and Eir."

~Izuku's mind~

"Hmm I wonder if Eir is safe?, and really hope that everyone else is doing well."

A day has passed by and Izuku started walking again but needed help so Gentle gave him a kane to help him out, as he walked to the house he saw that it was quite nice like one of those houses you see in England, 2 days later Izuku began to walk perfectly and gained enough strength to leave but he stayed for a little bit longer to find out who is Gentle Criminal and La Brava, as he checked in different rooms in the middle of night he found a computer and saw that it was a video on it, he pressed play and saw that Gentle was being recorded talking about villainy and justice, he then scroll down and that his video was barely seen and was disliked buy them, the further Izuku scroll down he saw that the comments were very insulting and was filled with nothing but hate, but throughout seeing all of this Izuku still didn't understand what Gentle is trying to accomplish here, but as he was trying to figure that out he heard the door behind him creek open, he turned around and saw that it was gentle coming in.

~Gentle Criminal~

"Midoriya what are you doing in here?"


"I want to know who you are gentle, if you don't mind?"

~Gentle Criminal~

"If that's all then you should just ask my boy."

The both of them went into the kitchen and Gentle starting to prepare some tea for the both of them, once the tea was ready gentle party into two cups, Gentle hands one of the cups to Izuku and then sits down across and begins taking sips from his tea.

~Gentle Criminal~

"Now to start my real name is Danjuro Tobita, and when I was your age I wanted to be hero."


"A hero?"

~Gentle Criminal~

"Yes a hero, I dreamed of being a hero that everyone could depend on and look up to, but suddenly I couldn't do to my grades in school and I also failed the entrance exam twice, but I still didn't give up my dream of being a hero was still sent but all  of that changed when I try to saving someone, I ended up injuring a hero and a civilian, and after that mistake my dream died, I was suspended from school my parents kicked me out of the house, I didn't know what to do after that so all I did was live alone in this house and go out for tea sometimes, but when I went out one day I saw an old collie of mine from school and he made it to be a pro hero I went over to say hello but he didn't recognize me talk about the slightest, and that's where I realized I was being forgotten, so I went home and I found a book in my closet about the history of villainy and started to study, The more I've learned from that book the more I began to think like a villain, but I didn't want to be a villain like those who steal and murder from others, I want to be a villain that everyone remembers, so I purchased a camcorder and started making videos and posting them on the Internet so I can show my villainy, but it seems that not everyone didn't enjoyed my content but one day my biggest fan arrived at my doorstep and that was La Brava."


So La Brava came to you and just join you on this path?"

~Gentle Criminal~

"Yes she did, she managed to track me down with her incredible hacking skills, which came in handy for re-uploading my videos once they were taking off the internet, and I know what you're thinking a girl like her tracking me down so easy might be strange but is not, putting your time and effort looking for someone you admire is dedication, so I welcome her to help me with my work."


"that's quite nice to hear that you are welcome someone that is willing to help, I do too have people that I'm willing to help as well."

~Gentle Criminal~

"Now that I told you who I was it is only fair that you tell me who you are Izuku Midoriya."


"I guess it is fair if I tell you who I am as well, to start I'm a villain and I am involved with the league of villains."

Gentle criminal was shocked to hear that the young boy that he nurtured back to hell is actually a villain and involved with the league of villains, but he didn't say anything instead he stayed quiet and listen to Izuku's story of how he became a villain and how he sees the league of villain as his own family, after hearing his story gentle realized that him and Izuku I actually cut from the same cloth.

~Gentle Criminal~

"We are quite similar Izuku, the both of us wanted to be a hero but that dream is died when we realized from the people that we used to call friends hurt us."


"Yeah I guess your right, we are quite similar."

~To be continued~

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