I Must End What I Started Long Ago

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Once the league and the army of villain went to a underground bunker which was turned into a perfect hideout for them to stay out of sight from any hero that could fly, but with Gigantomachia so big they put him in a empty cargo bay that was big enough for him, but before they got into the Bunker and put Gigantomachia in the cargo bay they waited to lay eyes on Shigaraki, once the doors of the truck open Shigaraki steps out with the League behind him, and just by seeing the the league of villain standing right next to Shigaraki made the army rejoice, the army, the nomu, and Gigantomachia cheered so loudly which made Shigaraki grin from seeing how far he has come since he was found by All For One, he began floating up into the air to tell everyone on their next move.


"I'm glad to see how Izuku led you so far, but now that I have returned I will be the one leading you for now on, but before I led you to more victories, tonight we celebrate in my return."

The army cheered to know that they will be celebrating there leader's return, once the army were inside the bunker they begin celebrating right away by drinking, singing, and even dancing like it was the last day on Earth for them, the league joined in the celebration as well, twice was doing some sick dance moves, Compress was was playing cards with Dabi, Mustard, and other villains as well, Toga was dancing with Eri which made the both of them very happy, Spinner was singing with other villains, and Izuku stood in the corner observing everyone, he was happy to see his friends and the other villains having a good time, but there was still something that he needed to do on his own, so he left the room that everyone was celebrating in and began heading to the room where Shigaraki was getting ready inside of, once he made it he knocked and entered inside and saw Shigaraki putting on his coat.


"You really do just to impress Tomura."

Shigaraki turns around and sees Izuku which makes him grin at his comment.


"I tried to, so have you came here to escort me to the party?"


"No not exactly, I just came here to talk to you about something very important."


"Oh, what is it?"


"Well now that you're back and will be leading the league of villains and the army again, I just wanted to tell you I think it's time for me to leave."


"W-what?, Why would you decide to leave us now?"


"But to tell you the truth, I've made that decision to leave when we gathered up the army at first, but when you told me to lead the army in your absence, it made me stay longer, but now that your back I could tell you this."


"Izuku, you are the very first person that I suggested to join the League of villains, and you've always been there, and I want you there in the end standing next me."


"That sounds like a nice offer Tomura, but I have to decline, cause I have my own purpose and it's something that I need to do on my own."


"Hmm alright, but just remember that you always have a home with us."

From hearing those heartwarming words Izuku hugged Shigaraki which caught him off guard, but it was a hug that Shigaraki couldn't decline so he hugged them back as well.


"Thank you Tomura for everything."

Izuku then let go and proceeded to step out of Shigaraki's room, as he was leaving he took one final look inside of the room where he saw the league having a good time, he then proceeds to step out of the bunker, once he stepped outside he felt the night breeze on his face and saw the Big Blue Moon above him, but as he was about to go any further he hears Toga call out to him.



He stopped from going any further which made Toga get close to him, once she got close to him she grabbed his hand.


"I've been looking for you everywhere, Eri got tired so I put her into bed so I need a new dance partner, come on let's go back to the party and dance."


"I'm sorry Toga but I can't."


"What?, Why not?"

Izuku refuse to look at her to tell her the reason why.


"I'm leaving Toga."


"Your joking right?"


"No I'm not."


"Y-you can't leave, we need you, I need you."


"I'm sorry Toga but I have to do something important on my own right now, that's why I have to go, so please let go of my hand."

Instead of letting go Toga begin tightening her grip on his hand."


"No I'm not letting you go, I need you here with me, you are a part of me and if that part leaves then I have nothing else, so please don't go."

While Toga was holding Izuku's hand he felt a drop of water hit his hand, he turned his head and saw tears falling off Toga's face, which makes him pull her in and hug her tightly.


"Please don't cry Toga."

Izuku lifts her head up and begins to wipe off her tears with his other hand, once he finished wiping off Toga's tears she looked up at him and stared deep into his eyes and means in and kisses him on the lips which shocks him, she pulled away from him to finally confess your true feelings for me.


"Izuku I love you, I've always had for a long time, at first I just wanted your blood but I want more, I want you to be with me every single day."


"T-Toga, I-I I love you too."

Izuku leaned in and began kissing Toga on the lips, as she felt his lips pressed against hers to begin holding him tightly with her other arm, but as they were getting deep into their kiss Izuku suddenly used his fade quirk to vanish right in front of Toga, she raised the same hand she held his hand up to the direction where she saw his smoke lead to.


"Please come back."

Izuku ran through the Forest glucose tearing up for leaving Toga and all of his friends.

~To be continued~

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