Deku's Fall

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On the walk to the train station Izuku kept contemplating about Shigaraku's words about killing the symbol of peace and how the whole society is completely unfair to certain amount of people.

~Izuku mind~

"When Shigaraku was talking about how this society was unfair I had to admit that he was right somewhat, but still I can't be involved in its personal ambitions."

Izuku then which is the train station and boys the first chain that leads home, well he was going home he stopped by the grocery store to pick up some groceries he was supposed to get early on, while entering his home Izuku is welcomed by his mom that was super worried about him, she rushed towards him and noticed all of the dirty marks on his school clothes.


"Izuku where have you been I've been worried sick about you and look at your school clothes they're covered it a bit of dirt, what happened to you?"

Izuku couldn't tell his mom about being jumped and heading into the city to meet with Shigaraku, so he told her a little lie.


"It's ok mom I stayed after school for a bit longer and on the walk home I fell and got a little dirty but I didn't forget to get the groceries for tonight's dinner."

Inko looked at Izuku with worrie  still in your eyes but she took his word for it, so they take the groceries into the kitchen and begin to cook together, they sat down and had a wonderful dinner together, after the dinner was finished Izuku set on the couch and begin to watch one of his favorite live TV shows that always has pro heroes no answer calls from fans, but tonight show was special because they had a very big guest coming on tonight.

~Live TV show~

~TV host~

"Make what they want thank you for tuning into 1-800-hero call, and tonight we have a special guest joining us you may know him as a the symbol of peace, ladies and gentlemen introducing All Might!"

All Might then storms out from some curtains and says his number one catchphrase.

~All Might~

"Never fear for I am here!"

Izuku's eyes light up from seeing All Might finally being on his favorite TV show, this gave Izuku the opportunity to ask All Might the question.

~TV host~

"It's great to have you All Might."

~All Might~

"It's great to be here, I've always wanted to be on your show so I can answer some questions my fans have for me."

~TV host~

"Since you're eager to answer some questions let's get some calls."

From hearing that Izuku grabs his phone  and begins to dial the number on the TV show, Izuku stared at the TV hoping to see his call will come through, suddenly Izuku call connect to the TV show.

~TV host~

"Looks like we have our first call, call tell us your name."

~Izuku's phone call~

"H-hi my name I-Izuku Midoriya and I have a question for All Might."

~All Might~

"Go ahead young man ask your question."

~Izuku's phone call~

"Well I have so many questions but I really want to ask you if someone without a quirk be a hero like you?"

~All Might~

"That is a good question my boy but I don't think anyone without a quirk can be a hero, but they could be a police officer or firefighter to still save lives."

~Izuku's phone call~

"Oh I see, th-thank you for answering my question."

~All Might~

"You're welcome, but before you go may you tell us your name one more time."

~Izuku's phone call~

"It's Izuku, Izuku Midoriya."

~All Might~

"It was nice talking to you Yong Midoriya and never forget to go Plus Ultra."

Izuku then hangs up the phone call and turns off the TV, but Izuku sits on the couch and thinks about All Might response to Izuku's question.


"Maybe my dream of being a hero wasn't meant to be."

Izuku then return to his room and covers himself head to toe in his blankets and lays in his bed to cry himself to sleep.

~The next day at school~

While arriving at school Izuku notice that people were looking at him and where whispering behind his back, but he didn't pay no mind until you arrived to the classroom and noticed his desk was completely vandalized with mean words saying, quirkless, kill your self, normie, but there was one big one written in the middle and that was, you can't be a hero, Izuku then runs off to the School rooftop and stays there for the entire day, as a school day ended Izuku was still on the rooftop looking at the sky near the rails at the rooftop, suddenly Izuku's sky gazing was interrupted but face and the voice he did not want to hear right now.


"I guess I finally found you Deku."

Izuku didn't look back to respond to Bakugou.


"Hoi don't you hear me you damn nerd I'm talking to you!"

With no response coming from Izuku, Bakugou then grab him and turn them around to make Izuku face him.


"You damn nerd you better stop ignoring me or else I'm going to hurt you."

Izuku then looks into Bakugou's enraged eyes and takes a deep breath to tell his dear old childhood friend something he should have told him a long time ago.


"Leave me alone Bakugou."


"What did you say to me?"


"I said leave me alone Bakugou!"

Bakugou was shocked to hear Izuku raise his voice like that, throughout all the time Bakugou know Izuku he's never raised his voice especially to him.


"How dare you talk to me like that, you have no right you damn quirkless bastard!"

Bakugou then begins to brutally punch Izuku in the face but Izuku doesn't just stand there and take it he begins to throw his own punches straight at Bakugou and lands a couple on his face, but every time Izuku landed a punch on Bakugou's face that made him even more angry so he switched from punches to his quirk, he uses his first blast on Izuku's chest which pushes him back against the rails of the roof the second blast was to his face but from the attack that made Izuku fall over the rails, and Bakugou then notices that Izuku has just falling off the rooftop, Bakugou then runs down  to the school ground to see if Izuku was injured, he makes it to the area he fell off and sees his childhood friend laying life is on the floor in a pool of his own blood, Bakugou didn't know what to do but to stare at the person that he called friend, but suddenly Bakugou starts to hear something from Izuku.


"Ka.. Ka.. Cha.."

Bakugou was frightened to hear Izuku voice saying the nickname he gave him wrong ago, Bakugou panicked and ran off leaving Izuku to die alone, Izuku's eyes were getting restless but before they shut completely he sees someone's feet and hears a voice.


"Look at you completely destroyed, but don't you worry Master will fix you up good as new."

~To be continued~

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