Our New Members To The League

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Two days has passed from Izuku's receiving his third quirk from One For All, for the time being he trying to figure out what he can truly cherish in his life, he thought of many things but it was only one always seem to appear and that was his memories with his mom, but since he's been gone for a very long time those memories somehow faded a little, he could barely remember what his mom actually look like, from thinking too much his head began to hurt, he walks out of his room and begins to head to the bar to get something to drink, he opened the door to the bar and walked in from the hallway.


"Hey Kurogiri can you fix me up a dri-"

Izuku cuts himself off from seeing the situation that's going on in the bar, he see two other people that try to attack Shigaraki but was stopped by Kurogiri's portals.


"Umm am I interrupting something?"


"No not at all."

Izuku steps further into the bar and has a better look at with two people that were in the bar, the first that caught his eye was some guy with burnt skin, the other person that was staying next to him was a girl that kept staring at him.


"Uh Shigaraki who are these people?"


"There are new members of The league."

Izuku's eyes wide and once you heard of that, he approached them both with eagerness to know who they are and what their quirks are.


"Hello my name is Izuku and I'm glad that you joined the league."


"Name's Dabi."


"My name is Himiko Toga."

Toga got really close to Izuku which made him very nervous, he's never had a girl this close to him or even talk to him, but the look on her face was showing so much eagerness to know everything about him.


"I'm going to get some fresh air."


"Wait aren't you going to tell her new members about our goal?"


"You tell him I don't want them in my sights for the moment."

Shigaraki then walked out of the bar, looking like something is bothering him at the moment.


"That guy is one piece of work isn't he."


"He's not using like that I swear, he's usually calmer and keeps to himself, he's just been a bit upset since our last mission was another failure."


"I see that he doesn't take losing so easily then, well I don't either."

Izuku then begin to explain the goal behind the league of villains, Dabi and Toga then begin to explain there goals to Izuku, he a knowledge there goals, Izuku knew that these two I perfect for the league.


"Oh may I ask what both of your quirks are?"


"what for?"


"Well I like to take notes about people quirks and what they do, it just interests me so much, so if you don't mind can you tell me what your quirks are?"


"Alright then, my quirk it's just as simple flame quirk, but my flames are very intense and give and I give up a large burst from my hands."


"That's pretty interesting."


"Okay me next, my quirk it's called transform and it makes me turn into anyone I want from drinking amount of their blood."


"That's very amazing,  your quirk reminds me of Stain's."


"Wait a minute you've met Stain?"


"Yeah I have he even trained me for two days."

~Dabi's mind~

"Stain train this kid, there has to be something about me that Stain like, but what is it?"

As Izuku and Toga kept on talking about Stain, Dabi try thinking of a reason why sting must have trained him.


"Well I'm leaving know."


"Alright then we'll contact you once something comes up."


"Yeah whatever."

Dabi then steps out of the bar, Toga stayed to talk to Izuku some more about Stain, they sat at the bar continuing their talk, Izuku even started to show Toga all of the quirks that he has written down in his notebook, but when Izuku was explaining some of the quirks Toga was not listening  because she had her mind set on something else, she looked at him very close and starting to admire how cute he was, but she knew he can even be cuter if he was covered in his own blood, she takes out a knife from this sleeve and attempts to stab, but when she striked at Izuku, he quickly grabbed her wrist which stopped her, he turns his head straight towards and sees her blushing and smiling.


"Sorry Izuku, I forgot to mention that I enjoy to cut people and drinking their blood especially ones that are very cute, so Izuku if you don't mind can I cut you?"

Izuku look into Toga's eyes and saw that she was very serious about what she just said to him, so he takes her knife from her hands and grabs an empty glass cup, and cuts the palm of his hand and lets bleed slow down into the glass cup, while Toga was sitting right next to him, she began to bless you even more than before from seeing all of his blood being drained into a glass cup, but she's been shocked once she sees the cup that he did on the palm of his hand begin to seal up.


"There's my blood."


"Izuku does your quirk heal your wounds?"


"Yeah it does."


"Then can I cut you next?"


"Maybe next time Toga, but you can have my blood though if you want."


"Yes, I would love to have you."

Izuku then puts Toga's knife into the glass cup and slides it over to her, she picks it up and takes a big sniff, she then drink the whole thing, after that she licks off all the blood that is jumping from her knife, Izuku had a  feeling that this wouldn't be last time to pour his blood into a cup and give it to toga.

~To be continued~

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