I Must Finish What I Started

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After escaping from the pro heroes and the police, all of the league members and Bakugou were transported to a destroyed area, they look around out of confusion but suddenly they all see All For One, Phantom was shocked to see him, but he was not the only one Shigaraki and the other conscious league members were also shocked to finally see All For One face to face, Phantom and Shigaraki couldn't help but acknowledge that power of their master.



~All For One~

"Tomura, Phantom, I noticed that both of you weren't deep trouble so I used one of my quirks to bring both of you here and I meant to save your followers as well, and I can see that you managed to bring the boy that you captured from the camp."

As all for one was talking to the league, Bakugou elbowed Phantom in the ribs which makes him lose his grip and which makes Bakugou break free from him.

~Bakugou mind~

"I need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible, but that's going to be a lot difficult now knowing the real leader is here and I have to deal with these feeling bastards."

Phantom, Toga, and Twice then prepare themselves to get back, Toga then begins to throw knives straight at Bakugou but he Dodges them using his explosion quirk, twice then leaped into the air to attack him from above but that's some wide open for one of his explosion attacks, luckily twice a video just by an inch and backed up, but when Bakugou faced twice and Toga he noticed that Phantom wasn't next to them.


"Looking for me?"

Bakugou turns around and sees Phantom reaching out with his knife in his hand ready to stab him, but Bakugou let out a big explosion out of his hands which destroys half of the area that Phantom is standing at.


"(Panting) There I killed the bastard."

But as the smoke cleared from his explosion, he didn't see phantom's body, suddenly Bakugou feels a knife person against the left side of his neck.


"Sorry but you can kill one already died once."

Bakugou turned his head around to look at Phantom's face.


"Who the hell are you?"

Phantom then reached for his mask but before you can even remove it All Might then showed up and attacked One For All but he blocked it with ease, but from All Mights punch it pushes everyone back.


"Damn you All Might, your always getting in our way, Phantom we need to get out of here, grab Bakugou and let's get out of here."

Phantom then turns that Bakugou and pulls out another knife from his sleeve.


"No, I'm killing Katsuki Bakugou right here right now."


"Phantom we don't have time for this."

Phantom doesn't respond to Shigaraki, instead he runs straight towards Bakugou to finally finish him off, but right before you can even get close to him Phantom hears a big blast and suddenly a huge wall of ice appears next to all the league members, and on the top of that ice where UA students, they then launched themself off the tip of the wall of ice, in the same kid that Phantom stabbed in the gut back at the camp called out his name, which made Bakugou launch himself from the ground into the air, Phantom and Shigaraki try to grab him but his explosion push them back, Magne then begin to use her quirk on compress letting him fly through the air straight after Bakugou and the two other UA students, but he is then stopped when he hits Mount lady's face which makes him fall to the ground, Twice, Spinner and Magne where then get kicked in the head by that small old man, the old man then kicked Shigaraki in the face but doesn't knock him out, Phantom looked around and noticed that the only feeling still standing where him Shigaraki and Toga, but one of Kurogiri's portals open behind Toga, she then begins to start glowing red and all of the unconscious league members  then begin to fly straight over to her, Shigaraki then began to get pulled to the portal as well.


"Master retreat with us."

~All For One~

"No Tomura, I'll stay behind and keep All Might busy."


"But master your to injured.

~All For One~

"I know but you have much to continue fighting Tomura, so go and finish what you have started."



As all the other league members who treated into the portal, Phantom still stood right when he was standing, he looked at the portal and know that he should retreat with the others, but he then turns and faces the way that Bakugou escape from, right there he made his choice.

~All For One~

"Phantom quickly retreat with the others."


"I'm sorry Master but I have to finish what I start as well."

~All For One~

"I see then, go now but promise me that you return to Tomura and the others as well."


"I promise master."

Phantom then proceeded to run straight towards the direction that Bakugou went to.

~Gran Torino~

"Where do you think you're going!?"

Gran Torino then flew straight towards Phantom to kick him in the head, but Phantom moved his head just in time and grabbed his leg and slammed him straight to the ground which put him down for quite some time, he then proceeded on his way

~Gran Torino~

"Mount Lady stop him!"

Mount Kady then raised her hands right hand to slam it on top of Phantom, but as she slammed her hand Phantom used his fade quirk to get over her and continued following after Bakugou.

~To be continued~

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