You Must Lead

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A week after the battle with MLA, the league and the rest of there army of villains, have moved into a new hideout that was located underground, with all the other villains that were now part of the league have been obedient and loyal to Shigaraki and the other first members, with having so many new memories and new quirks to know about, Izuku couldn't help himself but to ask about their quirks, he look like a kid in a candy shop when he was going around asking people about that, and while he was doing that the new villains to expect anyone like him to be part of all this, but they didn't complain because seeing Izuku reminded them of when they were younger, but after all that Shigaraki called everyone of the first League members together so he could tell them something important, they all gathered up in a big office  where Shigaraki sitting at the end of the table.


"Good your all here."


"So what did you want to talk about great leader?"


"Before I tell you how about all of you take a seat first."

They obliged to his offer and sit at the chairs that were on the side of the table.


"What is important that you have to gather all of us together tell us?"


"Well I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be gone for a couple of days to do something important."

Everyone was shocked to hear that Shigaraki was going to leave them to do something more important than starting this war between them and the heroes.


"Where you going."


"I'm going to meet with doctor Garaki,  a lot of you don't know him but he's the one that was watching over All For One's health and has also been the one creating more nomu for us, I'll be meeting with him in a week or so and I'll be fulfilling my purpose to my master that he chose me for."

~Mr compress~

"And what is that purpose?"


"I'll be inheriting all the quirks that All For One has has taken over the years, I don't know how long it would take to have all those quirks run through my body, I don't even know if it might even work, but I have to do it because this is my purpose."


"But your purpose is to lead us, you're the one that gathered us all together."


"Yeah you're the leader you're supposed to lead, I would follow you to the Gates of hell captain, just please don't leave us!"


"Twice may have said in the weird way but you shouldn't leave us, we need a leader if we're going to start this war, if we don't have one then we're destined to lose."

~Mr. Compress~

"I agree with them, you are our faithful leader and without you we are nothing."


"Yeah Tomura you are the most important piece of this puzzle, without you we're all un-complete."


"I know I always talk about the teaching of stain, but your the one that surpasses those teachings, you are a great leader and I will follow you anywhere."


"(Sigh) Hate to admit it but all these guys are right, you're a great leader and we need you now than ever."


"Hearing all of you say those words to me make me happy that you think so highly of me, for a long time like all of you deeply hated me, but everything you said move to me, but I'm sorry I have to go fulfill my purpose, but I promise that I will come back and lead you again, and while I'm gone Izuku will be leading the league of villains in my absence."


"W-what, you want me to lead."


"Yes I do, you're the very first League member and it is only right if I leave you in charge, you are my most trusted Ally and I can see you leading the league of villains and the army into victory."

Izuku gets up from his chair and walks over to Shigaraki, once he was in front of him Shigaraki also gets up from his chair and stairs at Izuku, and suddenly Izuku hugs Shigaraki, he was shocked to receive a hug from him but he returns the favor and hugs him back.


"Thank you Tomura, you are the only one that believes in me which gave me purpose to live and fight, I promise you that we will not fail this war."


"Your welcome for everything Izuku,  and you don't have to promise that because I am certain that you are testing for victory with the League besides you."

They then let go of each other and faced everyone, Shigaraki then grabbed Izuku's arm and raked it up to the air.


"Izuku Midoriya will be the one leading the league of villains to victory."

The rest of the league gets up from their chair and began clapping for Izuku being promoted to the leader of the league of villains, they cheered his name out which echoed through the room.


"As leader of the league of villains, we will be victorious in every battle between the heroes, now let's start this war ."

~To be continued~

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