Friends With The Enemy

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Over these past few days Izuku has been gathering up information about Uraraka, luckily he found some video footage of her at the sports festival, he was intrigued about her quirk and how she used it, he even saw the video footage of Uraraka against Bakugou, Izuku found the way she fought him was quite interesting on using the destroyed pieces around her made from Bakugou's quirk, you was a good idea to do that but in the end Izuku knew who was going to be a Victor in this fight and that was Bakugou, but as Bakugou stood victorious he saw that Uraraka wasn't going to give up yet.


"She was very dedicated to defeat Bakugou but she had to know that there was no way for her to beat him, but I did like that she didn't give up even in the end."

Once Izuku finished watching the video he then proceeded to leave the hideout to walk around the same area he bumped into Uraraka the first time, as Izuku was walking around for at least an hour he finally spotted her from a distance, he approached her cautiously just in case if any of her classmates were with her but as he got closer to Uraraka he noticed that she was alone, so you didn't reached out his hands and placed it on Uraraka's shoulder which spooked her and made her turn around very quickly.


"Oh it's you."


"I'm sorry did I scare you?"


"N-no not at all, actually I didn't expect to see you so soon."


"Well I was just in the area and I saw you and I was hoping that that offer of you repaying me still on the table?"


"Oh yes I did say I will repay you for returning my wallet, so how about I pay you in some lunch."


"That sounds nice."

Izuku and Uraraka then headed to an outdoor food court, as Uraraka went to go by the lunch for the both of them Izuku begin writing notes about her in his notebook, but she then returned to Izuku holding two bento's for the both of them, Izuku thank you for this and starting to eat together.


"Hey I want to ask you something if that's okay with you?"


"Yeah go ahead ask away."


"Are you student of UA?"


"Yeah I am."


"I knew you were your name sounded familiar when you told me, it must be really amazing to go attend a school to be a top hero ."


"Yeah it sure is something, but it's more than you will work, UA just like a normal school too but with pro heroes as your teachers."


"Wow could you tell me what heroes you have as teachers?"


"Sure my homeroom teacher is Eraserhead and the other teachers that we have are Midnight and Present Mic, there's also King Vlad but he's the teacher for class 1B."


"It must be nice to spend your time learning how to be hero at UA."


"It sure is, everyday is just like a new experience for everyone."

Uraraka then looked at Izuku and saw that he was looking quite down when she finished talking about UA.


"Hey did you ever wanted to join UA?"


"Well I did once but I couldn't."


"Why not?"


"Well it's because I'm quirkless."


"Oh I see, I guess someone without a quirk we'll have a hard time trying to get into UA."


"But I don't really care about that anymore, the only thing I care about is protecting the ones close to me."


"Oh you're talking about your family, that's really sweet of you, I am also trying to help my family too."




"Yeah the one reason I'm going to UA is because being a hero you get paid a lot and with all that money I'll get paid with doing some hero work I'll give to my parents to help them out with money problems."


"That sounds nice but are you dedicated to be a hero."


"Of courses, I always give it my all when it comes to being a hero."

Izuku was happy to hear that Uraraka tries very hard to actually be a hero, they continue talking for at least half an hour until Uraraka notice the time.


"I have to go now bye."


"Wait before you go, do you want to exchange numbers so we can keep in touch."


"Yeah sure."

As they exchanged numbers Uraraka didn't know what to put as his contact name.


"Hey you never told me what your name was when you first met could you tell me now?"


"It's Ichiyo Ito."

Once Izuku told Uraraka his fake name she added it as her contact for him, once they were done exchanging numbers Uraraka then proceeded to leave, Izuku then looked at Uraraka's number on his phone and began to grin.

~Izuku's mind~

"Everything's going exactly as planned."

~To be continued~

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