The League's Victory

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The battle went on for hours until Gigantomachia grab Mount Lady by the neck and through her towards the city, once the army of villains saw her fly past their heads they cheered for Gigantomachia victory against her, and with Mount lady down the rest of the heroes below had to fall back, but as they're running some of the villains had automatic weapons and began shooting at them as they ran away from battle, they managed to wound a handful of heroes as they ran away, the army continued to march with Gigantomachia towards the city, but the battle on the ground stopped for now but the one on Gigantomachia back between Dabi and Todoroki was finally coming to an end."


"(Panting) Have you finally had enough Shoto?"


"(Panting) No not yet."


"Hmm, you really don't I'll be outside give up that easy huh?"


"No I don't and I don't plan to anytime soon."

~Dabi's mind~

"You really have grown a lot Shoto, it's too bad that I'm going to be the one to stop that growth."

Dabi and Todoroki then began to run towards each other while charging up they're most powerful side of their quirk to finish this fight once and for all, Todoroki made an ice pack beneath him and started sliding on it, but as he was getting closer to Dabi he made a ice ramp and lost himself into the air, Dabi and aimed both of his hands towards him to finish him with his flames but Todoroki his left palm out to fight against Dabi's flames, once both of their flames clashed with one another they begin pushing there quirks even further, Dabi's burnt skin began to leak blood and Todoroki's entire left arm began to engulf in flames, from the blood loss that Dabi was experiencing right now his planes begin to get pushed back by Todoroki's he tried holding on a little bit longer but when he did he ended up coughing up blood which made his things go down, Todoroki's flames then hit Dabi straight on but that still wasn't enough he was still on his feet, so Todoroki raised his right hand up and made a giant ice bowl and covered him, once he was underneath the bowl Todoroki put his left hand on the top of it and began blasting a hole with his flames which ignited the whole area inside the bowl, but as he was doing that he heard Dabi scream from the pain of being on fire, but as the screaming suddenly stopped he removed his hand and new that he has won the fight against him.


"It's finally over, I've won."

Todoroki then kneeled to the ground to rest for a bit from using so much energy, but as he was resting he noticed that his eyes began to melt beneath him, he then saw the ice begin to glow from the inside, he quickly gets up and slides off the ice begin to run away from me, but as he was running away from it the ice bowl exploded the tiny pieces and blue flames came out like a giant tsunami, from the blast of the flames Todoroki was launched into the air and began falling, personally he was caught in the air by Hawks just in time, Hawks put out the patches of flames that were on him and began checking if he had serious injuries.


"He's alright good."

As Hawks was about to fly away with Todoroki in his arms he saw Dabi emerge from the flames what the big smile on his face looking straight towards them, the blood that was coming out of his skin was turned into small sparks of blue flames.

~Hawk's mind~

"He's gone insane."

Hawks I flew away with Todoroki as fast as you can before Dabi could try anything against them, but as he was finding a way he started to hear Todoroki mumbling something.

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