A Dead Boy lives

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After Bakugou ran off from what he's done to his old childhood friend he returned home with and rushed to his bedroom and slams the door shut and thinks about what he's just done and especially to the one person he never thought of hurting that way, he didn't know what to do so he just begin to destroy his room completely by throwing things left and right, after he completely destroyed all of his belongings he curled up in a ball and begins to cry and repeat the same word over and over again.


"What have I done, what have I done, what have I done. (Crying)"

He continues this for an hour and falls asleep on the floor where he was in the fetal position, he wakes up and sees a rising sun shining at his window Bakugou looks around his room and sees all the mess he's made but right now he didn't care about that instead he gets ready for school and tries to forget what happened, as he got ready and went downstairs his mom was in the dining room putting out breakfast.


"Good morning Katsuki."

Bakugou doesn't say anything to his mom and try's to enjoy his breakfast but why he was doing that he was cut off guard from the question his mom asked him.


"By the way Katsuki did you see your friend Izuku yesterday?"


"N-no I didn't, why do you ask?""


"Well this morning Izuku's mom called and asked me if I've seen Izuku but I told her no and they asked you what was wrong and she told me that Izuku didn't come home yesterday, and that's why I asked you if you seen him."

Bakugou couldn't stand to hear anymore about Izuku so he grabbed his bag and headed to school and tries to make the memory of Izuku falling go away, he then arrives at school and notices that no one is talking about what happened to Izuku, so out of curiosity he asked people that were in his class about Izuku's whereabouts and they all responded the same way, they didn't know anything, so Bakugou went to the same area where he saw Izuku's body lifeless body, as he got there he notices that all that blood that he lost and where his body was were completely gone like nothing has ever happened.

~A dark room~

In a very dark room Izuku was there laying on a bed hooked to an IV and covered with some bandages, but suddenly he wakes up and looks around and looks around the room and see that he's in a place that he's never seen before but suddenly he hears a door open and see someone enter the room and that person was already someone that Izuku has already met.


"I see that you're finally awake."


"W-wait your K-Kurogiri from that bar Shigaraki was at."


"Yes I am, now tell me how are you feeling?"


"I-I'm feeling quite well actually but where am I and what happened to me?"


"You are in a secret location where my master is and I'm the one that brought you here also when I brought you here you were dead."


"I was dead?"


"Yes you were, when I found you you were on the floor bleeding out with several shattered bones you were barely conscious when I got there so I brought you here but when we arrived you have already died, but luckily my master saved your life by giving you a quirk well you can regenerate yourself but since you lost a lot of blood you were sent into a coma.


"Your master gave me a quirk?"


"Yes he did and the name of the quirk is called rebuild it takes a while for it to kick in but t and help you recover from the injuries


"That's amazing, but wait you said I was in a coma can I ask how long I was out?"


"You've been in a coma for a month and a half now."

Izuku was shocked to hear that he has been in a coma for that long, he begins to think about his mom I know that she must be worried sick about him, but what Kurogiri tells Izuku next left him in shock.


"Oh I forgot to mention that you were declared dead."


"But h-how."


"Let me explain, on the first month we were reported missing everyone looked for you even your mother but since no leads are coming up so on this month just two days ago you were declared dead."

Izuku felt so broken that people just gave up on him, and now he had nowhere else to go because he was nothing but a dead person still living, so from just knowing that Izuku begin to cry.


"Midoriya don't cry, I know how it feels to be forgotten by the people that you trusted but you shouldn't cry for those who who gave up on you, instead rise up and fight that's what my master told me and I want you to rise up as well and show everyone that gave up on you that you were still alive and powerful than ever."

Izuku takes Kurogiri's words to heart and response to his words with a question.


"Kurogiri is that offer Shigaraki ask me still on the table?"


"Yes it is."


"Good then I will help you with your cost."


"I'm glad to hear that Master and Tomura I'll be very thrilled to have you part of the team, but before you can help us you must get stronger and if you do master Grant you another quirk for you to be stronger."


"I'll do anything to get stronger and assist you in your goals."


"Very well your training will begin tomorrow."

Izuku has finally found a place where he can grow and improve himself and especially a place where he can form a plan to kill his former childhood friend.

~Izuku's mind~

"Be prepared Katsuki Bakugou because I'm coming after you and I'm going to kill you for what you did to me."

~To be continued~

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