The Funeral Of A Villain And A Friend

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Once the ambulance and the police arrived at the park they found Izuku and Bakugou lay next to each other complete injured, the paramedics musical check on them, but they noticed that Izuku was already dead, so the paramedics focus their attention on Bakugou instead, but he didn't want them to help him instead he kept yelling at them to help Izuku instead of him, the paramedics tried telling Bakugou that he was too late for him, but he didn't want to believe that so he starts moving around uncontrollably, the paramedics had no choice to inject him with some medicine to knock him out, once you fall unconscious put him and Izuku on grannies and took them to the hospital, once they arrived at the hospital Bakugou was sent to the emergency room, Izuku's body was taken to the autopsy so they can identify him, after few hours there Bakugou woke up and saw his pants next to him.


"Oh my baby Katsuki, your finally awake."


"Where am I?"


"Your in the hospital."

Bakugou looks around in his room, he then set up and grabs his mom by the shoulders.


"where's Izuku?"


What are you talking about Katsuki?"

He was going to get an answer from his mom so he pushed her away and begin getting up from his bed, once his feet touch the ground he fell, his mom tried to help him up, but he refused her help, but as he was trying to get up a nurse came in and ran over to him.


"You can't get up your injured."

While she tried to help Bakugou up he grabbed her by the shoulder.


"Where is Izuku Midoriya?"

The nurses face change into shock after hearing the name.


"He's dead."

Bakugou let go of the nurse's shoulder and begin crying, the next day Izuku's body was identified as the masked villain that worked alongside with the league of villains and the army of villains as well, his face was all over the news after that, the heroes took his body away to further examine it, but as they examined his body they saw nothing special, so they gave the body pack to his mother, a week later she preferred a funeral for him, on the day of his funeral it was quite cloudy, and all the people she invited to come never showed up, she was on her own when she saw her own son's coffin get lowered into the ground, but before they coverage his grave up with dirt his mum threw down Rose on his coffin, as her rose fell onto his coffin another fell on top of it, she raised her head and saw Bakugou standing next to her.


"I am sorry, I should've been a better friend to him, it's my fault I should be down there instead of him."

Suddenly Izuku's Mom hug him which cought him off guard.


"It's ok I forgive you."

Bakugou begin crying uncontrollably while he felt the warm embrace from her, but suddenly the crowds split open and the sunlight pierced through and landed on Izuku's grave, a month has passed since Izuku's funeral, and over those days Inko has been getting letters non stop about people telling her awful this about her son and was also been harassed by the media, she had enough of it, so she planned to movie away from Japan to America, shoes packing she heard the doorbell ring, when she open the door she saw a man holding a bouquet of flowers.

~Flower man~

"Excuse me Miss, I have a delivery for you."


"O-oh thank you."

~Flower man~

"Well have a nice rest of the day Miss."

The man then leaves and Inko looks at the pretty bouquet of flowers, when she brought the flowers into the other room she laid them on top of the table, she then noted a letter between between two flowers, she opens it and pulls out a small piece of paper which only has three words written on it.


"From Izuku's family."

From reading those three little words she began to tear up out joy from finally receiving something nice about her son, but down the black from Inko's apartment the flower man got into a all back van, and ones used inside his skin began to melt away, and that flower man was Toga in disguise, and the black van she got into was filled with the other league members.


"So how did go?"


"It went well."


"That's good."


"I still can't believe he's gone."


"Yeah me neither, he was one of my closest friends."

~Mr. Compress~

"We shouldn't mourn for him too long, he would like us to stay strong."


"Your right, for now let's just have a moment."

The league remainder quiet for 30 minutes, after that Spinner started the engine, and proceeded to drive back to the hideout, but on the drive back they began remembering the times they spent with Izuku.

~To be continued~

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