chapter 17 - part 5

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On today's lesson we will talk about about Energy. Like you remember last time we have been talking about that Animatronics change food already into energy but~... like you can notice my brother is quite different example, he ate that much and train that little, that he can't use all energy what he is capable to use what makes that all energy store somewhere else and my bro is perfect example of that, that if we would have only think about eating, we could get fat like him. But anyway, let's back to main topic. 

If we will train our own abilities we will be able to use that stored energy to boost our strength and even defense but there is a way even too release that energy in concentrated form what can looks in advance example like weapon and in normal version just like ball or disc.

And that energry is no other that plasma. Plasma is one of 4 main states of aggregation just like steady, liquid and volatile state but even after all, plasma is main ingredient of everything what's around us.

Animatronics used to use plasma in many occasions at day, sometimes we use plasma not paying attention and I am talking right now about abillities. Abillities are the best example of that. 

- So we can obtain others abillities just by training - Toy Chica asks

- Theoretically yes but some abilities is really hard to obtain because the best way to learn technique is experiece it but abillity like teleporting or manipulating space-time is that advance that you just need to have talent to that. Is that all what you wanted know Toy Chica?

- Yes

- Anyway - Lolbit interrupts - is there technique what can shape shift us in any person?

- Of course Lolbit but it's really advance technique, and there are some hooks in that. Changing colour of fur is the easiest example but when it comes to about changing race, you have to know bone structure, know muscle structure, technically, you have to know everything about that person what you would want to shape shift

- Hmmmmm~... Can Teach shape-shift too?

- Yes, it's really useful abillity if you don't want to be recognized by other people but anyway, is that all?

- Yeah, it would be all what I would want to know. Probably

- Well. In that case let's continue

The easiest way to show you all how plasma looks will be showing you all. But~. Don't complain that I will show you small example because if my brother would know that I am using my power~, he would be angry as hell. But anyway. I show you the easiest type, concentrating into one place. Technically you all can do something like that if you have good imagination - Springtrap concentrated a little of his energy into small ball - if you will be able to concentrate that much energy into hands, you will easly be able to walk on walls, standing on cailing and maybe even fly but it will be hard.

If you master plasma to that moment that you will be able to appear it at will and in any size you all will be able to change  shape of it as well, like for example disc what can cut everything if you crank it up fast enough or even make weapons. Decades ago, people have been using that for example to materialize into arrows, bullets, just a little things what you have to buy in many copies but knowing that trick, they can earn some money.

- Isn't that cheating - Foxy interrupts

- Well Foxy. Like they say~ point of view depends of point of sitting posittion because it's your energy, nobody can do anything with that

- Oh, well, that's a poing

- Isn't that drain a lot of energy? - Mangle asks

- Sure, if you don't train like my brother, it would drain your energy a lot but if you train your stamina all the time, you can use your energy theoretically all the time

- But what if we use all of energy?

- well, just be ready for a long nap or a lot of eating because at least one bank of energy

- Is there any more banks?

- Oh right, I forgot to say, you ask too many questions. Yes, there are 3 energy banks, if we don't train we can use only one, if we will train for some time people can use 2'nd bank, 3'rd is dangerous to use because we draing our souls from energy and when it comes about souls. Souls are very fragile. To some people they will need years to regenerate all soul and for some people it's only matter of hours and days. You probalby heard about something like animatronic ranks. 

- Yeah, but they never tell us why they give us ranks

- Indeed. Ranks are mostly for military, higher rank, bigger potential, less money to use on you to get you to normal level. But other thing is higher rank, faster regeneration of energy suplices and the same is with soul. Soul for animatronic warriors are important because as long we have untouched soul, we can be theoretically immortal

- that's why animatronics can life that long? - Chica asks

- Yeah, not like humans we are able to control our souls what makes our speed of ageing~... let's say that souls are always the same, souls are can not age what makes they look always the same, humans body adapting to their souls 21 years and after that time their body starts to decompose. In the other hand. Animatronics after getting to 21 years, they stop ageing and process of decomposing stops at the same time

- What about brain? animatronics have perfect memorizing in "many examples" - Mangle says

-  Yes, brain is our only limiter, after death of brain, animatronic dies - Bell rings - Wow, how that lesson fast passed~. That would be all for today, continuation of that lesson will be at next lesson and prepare at that lesson because I'll ask for sure somebody

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