chapter 14 - part 5

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Golden Freddy used his powers telekinesis powers and bosted Diana to window meanwhile flying to the window, when they landed in Diana's room, they just laughed of the way how they get her

- It's the only time when I can feel like a super hero - Diana says

- Indeed - he laughed - so take your wallet and let's go before your parents realize how we get here

- Okey~ Let's think... where I put my wallet~... Oh. Right - she run to the bed, picked up the bed using one hand and take from there her handbag - Okey, I am ready

- So instead of taking just wallet you took handbag~

- You know that it would take a little longer if I would need to search with handbag just a wallet

- heh, you right. So let's go to that gallery

- Ok, but first let me turn off the light - she switched button - okey, now we can go 

Diana jumped at Goldie and they teleported  to the near gallery  

- So where we go first? - Fredbear asks

- Hmmm... Let's think... we can go to the paper shop first and btw, are you gonna buy something today too?

- Okey, so let's go then, and when it comes about that second question I have nothing on mind but maybe something get to my eye when we will be walking~

- Oke, so let's skip then that personalities and let's go penetrate that shop~

- Whatever you say sweetheart~

they both entered the shop and it was pretty long visit, because after buying 13 notebooks and graphic tablet they visited few clothing stores, shoe stores and staring at all of AGD products they stopped at local in center of the gallery, Diana of course bought ice creams because she can't imagine how she couldn't buy some when she is shopping and when it comes about Fredbear, he bought hotdog because he become a little hangry.

While they were sitting, there was laying on the table one girl white-orange fur and purple eyes. Diana was curious why she is crying so she overhear when she was talking on loud stuttering "wh-y th-at stup-id golden bun-ny took my pre-ciou-s Mang-le fro-m me..." at the same crying "Why yo-u ch-ose him as a par-tner th-an me... I am  one bil-ion perc-ent bett-er than h-im..." continuing. Diana was a little regreting that she overheard that but that "golden bunny" just caught her eyes. Fredbear wasn't really listening just like Diana did so he could not hear that part but when it comes about Diana, the most curious entity in world, she walked to that girl and asked her if she is okey but the only thing what she get as a answer was "It's not your problem bitch!" and that one sentence make Diana just wow because it never happen in her entire life that she could start hate somebody by just one sentence.

Hearing that she just went back to the Goldie trying to ignore anger saying to him "Let's back to shoping, because seeing that bitch just piss me off" and interested Goldie reply with "Wow, just a minute and you hate somebody? how interesting. What she told to you?". "It's not important what she told me, it's just that what she told made me that much pissed me off that I don't want to see her"

After that they just continue walking in the gallery and when they started to coming back there was just a one thing what caught his eyes was an old book what was telling stories about humans from three millennia, Diana was curious why he wanted that book but she didn't ask because it's a Goldie for you, he likes only old books and food. They went out of the gallery both satisfied and it's because Diana get her new stuff where she could draw and Fredbear a new book what he didn't read yet.

- Don't you want put that stuff back to your room?

- Nah, I'll do that tomorrow

- So you really wasn't joking when you were talking that you would want to sleep in our house

- You know me Goldie~. When I am saying something, I always keep my words.

- Actually~ You right. It never happen yet that you wouldn't keep your words and promises

- You see - she smiles

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