chapter 33 - part 4

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Raimi went out of room and while deepening into her lusty imagination, she then reminded herself that she lost Kiiro out of her sight. Thinking of it, she switched on her predator mode and started to look in every places where he could possibly be. By that, she started to search their room, every furnitures, under bed but she couldn't find him there. Not stopping on that, she went attic opened all boxes but to no avail. 

The same thing happened in basement, torture room what is there hidden and even in their Goldie's room. She was suspicious about that. After all their house isn't that big. While wondering she noticed that Springtrap went out of his room. She turned her sight on him, lean against handrail and spoke loudly  

- Have you seen your dad?, I am looking for him quite a while now

 Springtrap moved his head and looked at his mom

- Were you looking in Fridge?

- You think I am stupid? - she poused and gestured proudly - of course I checked there~ - smiled

- Roof?

 - Nope~ - cross her arms and nods - He wasn't even there 

- hmmmm... - moves his two fingers on chin and start to think on other unconventional places - Have you checked living room as well? - looks at her - after all you said that you checked everywhere - waves his hand - but did you looked here?

- ... ... - dumbfounded - actually, I haven't been looking here  - blinked 

- in that case - smiles - I wish you successful hunting - he waved and turn around and not long after went out of building 

- Well - she jumped down to the ground floor - wonder why I didn't check that place from the beggining - sighs and with the poker face she walked to couch. She grab for the base of the furniture and picked up it with Fredbear on it - Guess he's not here - she put couch back to it's place but the thing is, Frebear didn't wake up by that. She looked under some, inside some when she noticed that it's to no avail. She looked up and noticed Kirro sleeping like a cat on the ceiling - ... out of all places - she made even bigger poker face making by that Frisk's worth rival - how... just how - sighs

She rolled up her sleeves and summoned transparent rope what was surrounded by silver light. "Long time I haven't used my abillities so hope that I didn't get rusty by that" she thought and throw the rope at Kiiro. Rope wrapped around him and afterwards she pushed with her whole force to her. 

After Kiiro landed in her hands, she hung him on her shoulder and moved to her room.

Springtrap P.O.V

Springtrap went to his job by foot. While walking he started to think where the old man could possibly hide this time but in the end, he just shruggled. "But now that I have night shifts in that quiet pizzeria,  guess that whole day will be for myself" he thought and smiled.

Unfortunatelly for him, his life can not experience free time anymore. His phone vibrated and when he pulled it out of his pocket, he noticed that Mangle is calling him. Springtrap smiled softly and accepted the call. He moved phone to his ear and proceed with talking

- Good evening~ sweetheart, what makes you call me on such late hour~ - he said a little loudly and unexpectly fast. He could hear Mangle juggling her phone from hand to hand. It last few seconds but after that, Mangle responded

- ~Ah good evening~ - she giggled - ~ apolgize me for that noices but I wasn't expect  that you will pick up tat call~ - says

- mhm~ - he nodded - Were you thinking that I won't find any time?

- ~... hehe... he~ - scratches back of her head - ~ yeah... ~ - she said - ~ but let's back to what I was about to ask~ 

- mhm?~ what's on your mind?, princess

- ~... ~ - giggles after hearing that nick - ~  Well, how was your parents... D-did you introduced them me?~ - answer stuttering

- Yes, I did~ and you know what?

- ~... ... please don't tell me that they won't accept us~ - sniffed

- Hahaha - laughs - don't need to worry about that~. It's just my mom - pauses - and actually she want to meet you~~ - he says

- ~...~ - thinks - ~not with knife?~ - adds

- Pffff... - chuckled 

- ~Why You Laughing!!~~ - interrupts - ~It's Life And Deathe Scenario!~~

- Pardon me for that... - giggles - but no, don't worry about that. She won't do that in any way... or actually~

- ~Oh so she will kill me!~~

- No... - giggles - but if you think of it as a death by nonstoply inpose on you with thausand questions, then yes

- ~...~

- But don't worry, she is probably just curious about you and what think of me - says - possibly even how you fallen in love with me - adds calmly

- ~Then I am relieved~ - she replied cheerfully - ~but anyway, am I not interrupting? I hear cars on your side~ - she asked

- Well~ - he looked around - it's true that I am going to work right now~

- ~Oh My God~ - interrupts ~ I totally forgot that you have two different jobs~

- Nah, it's fine - smiles - even best ones forget~ - replies - but as you mentioning, I will need to end this call. You won't mind that?

- ~Of course no~ - she smiled - ~let's call each other later, then?~ - adds

- it's fine with me~ - says -  See ya later then Mangel

- ~see ya later Springy~~

End of call

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