chapter 22 - part 2

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- Indeed, hi - Fredbear replies - so you missed our little Spring already? - giggles

- Pfff - Mangle turns sight - maybe~

- hahaha, your face~ - laughs - Totally priceless.

- Geez brother, if you would say less there would be no problems - smiles with closed eyes - but when it comes to laughing about Mangle - opens his eyes a little showing that they are glowing in purple colour - looks like you would look for dead~ my brother

suddenly the atmosphere become thicker

- hehe... sorry bro... it never happen again - feels like his sins are crawling on his back

- it better won't - he smiles and his eyes turned back to his green colour

- anyway - Springla interrupts - it's weird seeing you in your golden fur state - laughs

- Did you already used to my silver eyes?

- Yeah... something like that

- actually... - Mangle interrupts - I think that golden fur is suit more to Spring

- Oh~ my~ - Diana replies - what you mean by that words~ - giggles 

- it's just~... "he's much cuter in that form - Mangle whispes and turns sight"

- Louder~ nobody can hear you - Diana continue to giggle

- He is much cuter in that state!~ - Mangle blushes and after that she hugged Springtrap

- thanks I guess - Springtrap smiles weirdly blushing at the same time

- look at that two lovebirds~ - Springla says and everybody giggles

- so now you are part of our family Mangle - Diana adds 

- thanks... but it's pity that I can't share it with anyone - still hugging Springtrap

- Heh, I see that you started to enjoy hugging my bro - Springla says - I thought that you overdid that while you were in his room 

Mangle hearing that blushed hard

- Did I missed something when I wasn't at home? - Fredbear asks

- Yeah - Diana giggles - how pity that I don't have photo of that~

- oh right~, you made some when we were observing Springtrap~... I would want watch what photos you have there 

- Right~... I forgot that I have to finish something at home - tries to escape - bye Goldy~ see ya later - she smiles and went out of house

- And she escapes - Springtrap laughs - it's her style to run from situations like that 

- Yeah you right - Springtrap joins and started laugh 

- I don't get it... - Fredbear says with stupid expression on his face - anyway, will you be sleeping here tonight Mashiroi? - turns his sight at Mangle

- Well... I think that I'll go home too... I really would like to but my brother and sister are really annoying when I am not comming back to home for a really long time... so~... I think that would have to go soon anyway - Mangle replies

- Stay here longer~ I want to get know my sister-in-law more - Springla says

- Well... - started to wondering - I guess that if I stay here a little longer, nothing will happen - she smiles

- Yey~ - Springla smiles too - so will you sleeping in our house tonight?

- Hmmm... Even if. I didn't took my pijama with me - smiles

- Don't worry about that~ - Springla says - I still have some old clothes in my wardrobe. Probably there would be something what will suit you too - smiles

- Won't be that a problem for you?

- Nah~ anyway that clothes are to small for me - replies

- Alright then - Mangle smiles - I guess that I will stay here for a night but... second problem is where I will be sleep

- Of course that with Springtrap - Springla laughs 

- Wait wait wait wait wait - blushes hard - everything is happening too fast!

- I agree with Mangel - Springtrap joins

- Oh. Don't act like a kids~ You were sleeping together not long time eariler so where is the problem?

- Well... it is true that we were sleeping together. But I wasn't consious in that moment! - Springtrap says

- Why you are scared like that bro

- indeed, I was sleeping in the same bed with Kitty Many times and none of us had problem with that

- But you both are couple for years! - Mangle says - And I with Springtrap are just a week!

- Yeah, and what?

- ... - Springtrap and Mangle didn't knew what should they say

 - it's decided then - Springla says and grabbed Mangle by hand - let's choose you pijama then - she smiles

- but... but... eh... - sighs - fine... - rolls eyes

- congratulation brother - Fredbear says

- Just shut up, nobody asked you for your congratulations - Springtrap sighed and went to his room

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