chapter 33 - part 3

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- m-mom? - Springla stuttered - haven't expect you coming so soon~~ - she began to shiver a little 

- Yes, it's me~, you precious and magnificent mother~ - Raimi smiled and not leaving it there, she continued - Do you know anyone else who could by you unnoticably? - giggles

- actually~~ - rolls eyes 

- yeah yeah - interrupted by wave at Springla - I know I know. Most of our family would - smiles 

- yes... - still avoiding her mothers stare. Raimi seeing it, didn't drop her smile but, she grinned sneeringly

- so what you drawing up there~ - looks at Springla's computer. Springla hearing it, shivered and she not losing any time, she turned with her chair and switched off screen 

- nothing~ - smiles 

- geez~ - giggles - why you are so ashamed of your own work - smiles - it's not like I will throw you PC by window - winked

- ... ... was that pun? - Springla asked 

- yeah? - giggles - was that so bad? - addded.

Springla seeing her mother respond, just sighed and make poker face

- Nah, it was actually good one - look at Raimi with smile - but are you mad that I didn't greet you while you came?

- Indeed, indeed~ - nodded - have you perhaps learn how to read minds? - giggles

- ... 

- just kidding - waved - I am not mad. Just enjoying to make jumpscares - lean her hands around neck and fall on bed  - but you could clean your room at least~, it's literally labyrinth here~ - giggles

- ... ... ...

- what~ - turns her head at Springla - did you bite you tongue suddently - chuckled

- no... - rolls eyes and sighed out of defeat - sorry about my room - pauses while making tsundere face - I wasn't able to find time after that night when Mangle stayed over... - mumbled to herself

Raimi hearing Mangle's name, immediately teleported next to Springla and grab her shoulder softly. Springla get goose-flesh

- Did I heard right that you mentioned Haru;s girlfriend name~ - Raimi asked

- shit! - she covered her mouth -  did I told it out loud?... ...

- yes you did~ - smiled - did she really came overnight and nothing happened between them? - tightened grab

- ouch~ - closed her eyes - stop, it hurt - smiles

- that's not my fault that your you are just fur and bones but fine - she let Springla out of her grab. Afterwards she crouch down to Springla's level - so mind ya telling me it all now? 

- Well... - sigh - Spring will kill me but fine~

- Glad that you want cooperate~

- heh, as I would get something from keeping it all to myslef~ - smiles - Spring didn't mantion it?

- Don't you think that I wouldn't ask if I wouldn't know? - continue smiling

- oh... - giggles - you have completly right - smiles  -  so yeah Haru's girlfriend visited us one time and it was already getting late - scratched her hand - and so I proposed her to stay for night~ - pauses seeing Raimi rising her eyebrow - but It's not like I was the only one that were proposing it! - said louder 

- I see I see - smiled and stand up, afterwards she walked to her bed and sit in the same place where she was minute ago - continue~ 

- Well... she accepted proposition and so she did stay.... - giggles - now as I remember I even have photo of them sleeping together in same bed

- ... mhm~ - smiles - I don't know why you asking. It's your responsibility to give me that photo~

- .... - giggles  - okey okey - smiles

- but nothing happen between them? seriously? - interrupts

- I don't know mom - smile - didn't hear any noices~ - took from desk her phone and start to search for photo

- tch~ - rolled her eyes - and I thought that he lied about not making any big steps for a second - look back at Springla 

- pardon?...

- ah, don't mind me, I just really want grandchildren already~ - waved

- I see... - shrug - but anyway - she gave her phone and on screem was photo of that day 

- cute~ - she giggled - and so that how she look like~ Now I understand why Haru were saying so high about her - nod

- Springtrap didn't show you her yet?

- no~ - giggles - but I am seriously curious of how it's possible that they didn't done it back then

- could have guess actually - giggles - but when it comes to that second thing what you said... - pauses - you realizing it that you are still too young for being  grandma? - smiles - actually I am wonder why you make us so soon

- I am 56~ - said proundly - and answering you, as you know humans in my age already have grandkids - lookes at Springla - don't ya agree

- true true - smiles - but we are animatronics  after everything - pauses - we live far longer than humans - adds

- I know that, but... you know

- it's fine mom, you didn't make us immeditately after few dates with dad - giggled 

- oh well - interrupts - actually I and your dad done sex quite a lot - stare with disappointment - but he just wanted to wear protection - rolled eyes  - tch~

- you... really mean that you lost virginity in age of 16?... ... - get pale

- wasn't I clear enough? - rise eyebrow - of course that's what I meant... - started to remind herself of that ages - hehe... good ages~ - makes horny face - but it was so cute when I took your dad's first time~~ - giggles - he was shaking all the time so in end - chuckle - I had to put that condom for him - laughs hard 

- oh my god - look suprised and disappointed at the same time - why you saying it so detailed - sigh

- ah sorry about that~ - giggles - sometimes I can't control myself~ - chuckled - Oh My God, now it Won't  be Getting out Of my Mind any Time soon - laughs - ... ... you know what, I will go and make you another sibling~

- wait... - processing - no... no no no no - she grabbed her mom by her hand - I refuse 

- why not~ - she grinned - don't ya want little sister? - Raimi said and adding to that, it put Springla off guard - oh so you still dream about having little sister~ 

- Oh, You can't imagine how hard it is to have 3 brothers... but now as you mentioning that sister part... - she put lightened her grab a little

Seeing chance, Raimi grinned

- As you wish~ - she get out Springla's grab - I will try my best, to make you little sister this time - giggled and run out of room leaving Springla speechless. Tho idea of having little sister make Springla blush, seeing that her mom run and knowing that she can't stop her, she sighed and tried focuse back at drawing. Springla back to her chair and continue drawing but she had smile on her face.

- Wonder how it would be to take care of younger sister

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