chapter 14 - part 4

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Springtrap take a cup of tea and drink some saying in the same time "A normal day in Afton house~ Isn't it?"

- What happen that you make Springla that angry? - Diana asks

- Ah, when it comes about it~. she wanted to wear that outfit again and starting to prank you but~

- You really destroy it? - Fredbear asks

- Not intentionally~ but yeah. But being more honest there was a little argue and I used some of my power and~ well... I wasn't expecting that suit was that easy to destroy...

- And why that made her that angry - Diana continued asking

- Because she didn't have nothing under - slurping - you can't believe how she was blushing~

- It is weird to hear from you with that your unemotional face

- And how you were react? - Fredbear wonder

- Hmmmm... I just complimeted her body - slurps - She really grown up after that years - slurp - Oh. Right. Take the tea, because soon will get cold

- right - Diana responds and she take the cup - So what you will do about that situation?

- I just apologize her~ - slurp - because there's nothing else what I could do - slurp - oh... I finished the tea~... welp - standing up from the chair - I don't want interrupt you guys with whatever you are planning to do today and try to not be that loud~ - he laughed 

- I am confused~... - Diana replies

- You don't know what I am talking about?, then lemme say something similiar to my bro in form of a question~. When you guys planning to make me an uncle?

Diana blushed

- Ehhh... - sigh - I supposed to expect something like that hear from you - Fredbear respond - and look what you make with my Kitty~, you totally broke her

- It's that age after all so I am surprised that on your level of relation you still doesn't planning to have kids but~ I have nothing to say in the end.

- Indeed brother. First get girlfriend and then I'll respond you on that question

- Is that so~, well, then you will be have to respond me on that question really soon~

- Wait. You have girlfriend? - Diana get conscious in the same time - Congratulations~ who is that lucky girl?

- It's still a secret but don't worry, I think that you sooner or later  meet her anyway

- You weren't joking?! you seriously have girlfriend!?

- Of course brother

- Am I know her?

- I don't know bro~ maybe you know or maybe not~ but~... let's end that chit chat because you and I are a really busy people so  bye~  

and he teleported

 - And that's up to that point you could see him~

- So what's your plans Glodie?

- What are you think about going on a little trip

- Sure with you everywhere

- In that case~ what you think about gallery? We weren't been there for a while

- Now when you talking about gallery, I remember that I will be have to buy few new notebooks and I my graphic tablet broke few days ago... 

- You took with yourself money?

- No~... but you are here so what you think about quick visiting me

- Sure, why not - sigh

- Are you disapointed

- N o ~ of course not

- Lemme guess, you don't want overwork yourself~

- You get me like always... but sure I wasn't been in your house for a while but the biggest problem is if your parents won't be have any problems with that

- You know that they like you so there's no problem with that~

- Yeah, that "liking", you know that they see me as a taxi?

- And where is that problem?, you would get fatter it you wouldn't do anything all the days

- thanks... - sigh - so let's go then - he raised his hand - do you need a hand? or maybe hug?

- You ask and you know, of course that hug~

- Okey~ so hug the bear~ - and they teleported - okey now you can stop

- nah~ you know that I like to touch your fur

- Sure - he smile - I wonder what you are doing with that plushie what I made for you

- You mean that plushie? I of course sleep with that plushie e v e r y d a y - she smiled

- Are you trying to make me jealous? because you know that it won't work

- What... me?!. Never~ but if you want I could change the bear for the bigger version for a night

- Are you sure about that? because I think that your parents won't let you

- Then I will be have to stay in your house for a night

- Well~... that's a option

- Good to hear that you let me so you want to wait outside or come with me

- Of course that I want to go with you, so we will use the doors or maybe~...

- Of course that we use my window

- Heh, of course, I should expect that type of answer from you~

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