chapter 36 - part 4

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It took 4 more minutes for lolbit to calm herself down and after gathering her thoughts, she inhaled intensively. After doing so, she looked back at tili whose right now was still laying face to ground. She made few steps towards him and after being close enough, she grabbed tili by his arm and gently help him stand back 

- sorry for making you wait this long~ but I had to gather my thoughts - ^^

- it's... fine - he moved his tired eyes slowly at lolbit and smiled softly - took you long enough~ - he chuckled 

- yeah... - she moved her eyes aside - sorry for that kick tho...

- it's fine lolbit, don't apologize me. I should have thank you for releaseing me from that pain~ - ^^

- oh~ does it mean that shifting was more painfull?

- ... 

 single drop of sweat runned out of lolbit's forehead

- you are lying, aren't you?~.. you just want make me feel better...

tili moved his eyes aside and sigh

- I knew it - lolbit added - ...  how would I ever be able compansate such a thing... - she mumbled

- hmmm?... - he looked back at lolbit - what compansation

- oh geez, you heard my mumble~... - she giggled nervously and lolbit looked back at him as well - I... I... could I compansate you for that kick in some way?... do you want anything?

Tili didn't want anything from lolbit, however, he knew that she won't be happy if he let her be. He sigh again began wondering on what he would want. He was wondering for a while and after a minute or two, he got an idea on why not make this sitaution as a joke. I could work and in end, lolbit could just forget about it all~

- sex. I want fuck with you - he replied with smile

- alright - she replied with no hasitation in her voice - if that's what will make you happy..~ - she added with her cheeks being covered in blush

- wait!, I was just kidding!~... - he stuttered

- No~, let's do that - she replied with a smile - that's a fair compensation in my eyes - ^^

- Are you crazy?!~.. I am not Ready Yet!!... - he continued - I was just joking!

- why not?, you don't want to have sex with me?...  - lolbit made a sad face

- No!.. I mean Yes, I Would Want of course!!... however... I am 19 and you are 18... maybe it's true that I am adult, but it's not even year from my school graduation... I am not ready for such responsibility and I don't want to destroy your school life.... ..

Lolbit chuckled

- School is the last thing what I would have ever care about~, don't worry about me - she said

- but... I don't have any job yet~... taking care of both you and child at the same time... would be hard...

- Awww~ I didn't know that you care of me like that~ - she hugged him tightly - but I am not talking about this kind of sex from which kids will born~ - she added

- ... - confused - but... there is only one way to have sex - looks at lolbit - there is no such a thing like...

- I mean condom, you baka!~... - she interrupted him. Her blush was getting more and more intensive and more and more face covering 

- oh... - he scratched - well, you know that I am rabbit?

- yeah? - she nodded - Do you have problems with interracial sex?

- no no no~ both my mum and dad are from different races so... why I would have anything against it

- then? - she raised her eyebrow

- it's just that... that rabbits can't hold back while mating...

lolbit's blush intensifies 

- w-what do you mean?...

- well... - moves his eyes aside - as my mom said, rabbits have that to each other that... when we began mating... we easly forget about that, that we wear condoms.... and they break because of that...

- ... - her face became fully covered with purple colour

- are you okey?...

Lolbit began imagining herself and tili while mating. She took his words to herself too much and so, she began thinking of tili going hard of her and just by doing it, she was getting more and more horny.

- Eeee... should I be worried about you now?~... - tili smiled nervously

- !!! - she shook herself out of this trance  - w-w-what you m-mean you d-don't need to worry about m-me~.. - she immediately wiped out the saliva from her mouth and looked at tili with her trembling body

- you sure?... 

- Yeah!~ I  am 100% sure - she smiled nervously

- ... ... eh... you are the same as my mom...

- w-what you mean?... - she asked deffendingly - is it good?~..

- mmm... - he moved his eyes aside and after gathering his thought, he looked back at lolbit - you have exactly the same face as my mother... epecially when she want to ride my dad... you are not thinking of jumping at me right now.. are you?

- ... ... ... ... - lolbit was taken aback by his words. She she moved her eyes aside and began mumbling again - I... well... even if you told me the risk... - looks back at tili -  I-I... I  want to try~...

- ... arlight~ this conversation is going in wrong direction~ - he chuckled

- Oh no~, it's going in right direction~ - she lean her forhead against him and smiled  - plant your seed inside my belly~~ - she said coosingly with her red eyes shaped into hearts-

- I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- - he broke again - I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-

- answer now, unless you want me to take off your pants here and now~ - her horny side took full control over her

 - I-I-I-I-

She moved her body closer to his, wrapped his arms around his waist and with such move, she let him lean his crotch on the place where her pussy is. She was looking deeply into tili's eyes and asked again

- last warning~

- I... - he pushed back lolbit a bit, his dick became hard which was visible even if he weared his pants right now - as much as I would want.. I-I.. - he looked down - could we at least... do it after that date at least?~...

- Oh My~ - looking at his crotch - That's so~ unfair of you~

- ... - covers his crotch with his hands - .. well... I really  don't want to do it in public~

- ... fine~ we can go to your place instead~

- hold on for a second - he interrupted - as much as I would want~, my parents are at home right now.. I don't want my mom to find us...

- Oh I didn't know that you are chicken~ - snickers

- ... - inhales  - fine~, we can do it as you want~ 

- yeey~ - she smiled 

- however, you take half of the responsibility if my mother will find out about us doing it~...

- Don't worry~ - she interrupted - I will introduce myself properly~ - ^^

Lolbit grabbed tili's hand and lead him in the direction of their destination. Tili seeing her enthusiasm just let her be dominant this time.

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