chapter 25 - part 3

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Mangle after hearing that someone is knocking to doors, she immediately runned to them and like she was expecting. In doors was standing no one other than Springtrap himself. It looked like Springtrap prepered himself  but it's good because Frexy would make annoying scenes if she would seen him in his formal clothes.

- Heya Springy - Mangle smiles - and if you going to ask about my sis Frexy abd why she's lying on ground - giggles - just ignore that

- Eeehh... alright? - smiles - sibling fight?

- well~ - Rolls eyes - something like that - giggles - but anyway, come in~

- Alright, apologize if I am interrupting~ - smiles - where can put my shoes?

- leave them here... yeah, leave them here - smiles and turns back - come - she waved her hand - after all it would be rude if I wouldn't gave you place to sit

meanwhile Frexy standed up and came closer to Springtrap

- It's nice to finally met you face to face - Frexy smiles - last time you make me hard landing on ground - giggles

- yeah, sorry about it - smiles - your camera broke?

- "what an angel!! how someone can be that bright!! - Frexy thought" - No.. no, no no - smiles - my camera is fine

- alright then - smiles

- sit here, all sofa is yours now - Mangle said smiling

- alright - sighs - It's first time when I am in someone's house so forgive me for being formal in some moments - blushes a little and scratches back of his head

- Nah - Mangle smiles - don't worry about it and feel like in your own house - adds

- well... - Frexy interrupts - Mangle told already something about you~. Actually I was wondering if she wasn't lying in some things but it looks like... - sighs - well, let's change topic - laughs - I noticed that you have scar around your right eye, were you fighting anyone? do you have more scars?

- sis... - sighs - it's rude to ask about things like that but anyway - turns sight back at Springtrap - you never told me about that scars yet~

- so I can't ask but you can? - Frexy annoyed interrupts

- yeah, after all I am his girlfriend - giggles sneeringly - do you have any problems with that? - glared

- ohoho~ - Frexy glared back - you wanna die?

- Me? - laughs - don't be surprised if you woke up after 3 days - smiles

- "Looks like I am between hammer and envil... - Springtrap think and sighs" - Am I interrupting or something?

- ... - Mangle tuned back at Springtrap - sorry about that - smiles - when it comes to my sis, I am sometimes I am out of control and forgot about surrounding - scratches herself

- You put your guard down! - Frexy yelled and when she was about to punch Mangle Springtrap stopped fist

- I don't care if your are Mangle's sister, but if you lay a finger on her when I am around~ - smiles sneeringly - you'll be dead where you stand - he interrupts with purplish eyes and killing aura

- Well... - Frexy made step forward trumbling and sweating

- Don't be mad at my sis that much Springy - smiles - she didn't make anything wrong yet

- sure~ - his eyes turnes back to green

- ... "Mangle tamed a monster... - Frexy think"

- So what about that scars? - smiles softly - "... how it happened that I am on Spring's legs now? - she think"

- oh, yeah - smiles - It was long long time ago, times when I was yet a teen

- how old are you anyway - Frexy interrupts

- over 20 but please don't interrupt - replies - I and son of my master were fighting for 6 days non stop without a break. It was really long battle and I ended up with many scares on my body - smiles - but at least in end I layed one blow on him and left a scar around his eye but... - sighs - because of that, he stopped holding back and when I realized what's going on, I was laying on bed with bandages. After I asked how much time passed, I get know that I was unconscious for over a week...

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