chapter 37 - part 7

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- Guess we'll never know~ - Mangle said with a slight chuckle

Bit just closed her eyes and replied with a soft smile. She sighed, opened her eyes and look at Mangle

- Yeah, she probably thought of "I can be worse than my sister" - modulating her voice into slight deeper one. However, after mentioning it, both of them bursted into laughter - oh~, by the way, I didn't plan on telling anyone anything - reaches for her phone

- Don't worry, I already knew that - eye smiles interrupts in the middle but to the extend that it didn't stop lolbit from continuing her speach

- mhm~ - unlocks her phone - good to know, but, what about that 39 messages from an hour ago? - looks at Mangle

Mangle squints her eyes while smiling slighly 

- Well~~ - shruggles - you know me~ - pauses - I am an impatient one ~ - winks while unfolding her arms and smile much wider  

- Meg, if I were to put all our time which we had spent together~ - inhales - it wouldn't be even more than 7 days in total

- And? that's not an excuse for me~ - puts one of her hands on her chest - I knew my Springy not more than 5 hours (in total) and we were already in love in each other~ - puts her arms on her waist, moves her head up and smirks pridefully 

- That's~... actually impressive~ - moves her head aside while closing her eyes as well - but well - turning her head back to her phone's screen - not everyone have a chance to get into relationship with the person who they love - starts typying on her phone something - and adding to that, that it's the love from the first sight

- Which means that we were Meant to be together~ - blushes, but not out of the nice words from lolbit, she blushes out of her pride and by getting so lucky  

- No Mangle, that's not a compliment. Chances for such a thing to happen are like looking for a needle in the pile of hay - smiles pitifully - love from the first sight is never a perfect one~

- Then we are an exception!! - still proudful - ... But, hadn't your relation been from first sight one as well?

- No, it wasn't - smiles - it wasn't a love from the first sight, we began to feel a connection after  we spent whole days on talking with each other... No, wait, scratch that, "talking" is a wrong word - looks at Mangle - better one is "chatting"~

- Wow~, that's.. actually more romantic than I thought you be... - scratchesd but after much longer precessing - Wait, You don't imply that I am a slut or something like that? - her eyebrew twitched while putting a smile on her face - and that I would fall in love into literally any boy which I would see attractive~

- Yes, I do imply~

- I see~ - on her face 3 anger marks appeard - listen to me you little-..

- LMAO, I am just joking~ just joking~~ - interrupts in the middle of Mangle's sentence and chuckles - your face is just priceless!! - laughs

Mangle inhales deeply

- well, anyway - lolbit continues - the thing what I meant is just that, that it's nothing more for me than suspicious - putting her phone away - so calm down kitten - snaps Mangle's forehead which made her move slightly into back 

Mangle was on a verge of snapping right
there and now, however, she calmed
herself down on time 

- then? what's so "sus" about our relation~ - smiles softly but in true just pretends

- well~ - puts one of her hands on her's waist and other lefts hanging with her phone - I imply that you met him some day in past which was the reason of your weird - moving her hands up -  "fetishes" - signalizing with  two of her fingers in each hand

- My Like are Perfectly Fine!!~... however, are you perhaps implying - folding her hands -  that I have met my beloved  already, some day in past? - moves her eyebrew up slightly

- indeed~ - smiles - though I am not the specialist or anything~ - scratches while turning her eyes somewhere else - I just read it all on PC some time ago~ - smiles - But what you have to lose Mangle, think~, maybe it is really not a love from the first sight and maybe you met mr Springtrap already in past - eyesmiles 

Mangle got a flashback from a long time ago when she was yet still in primary school. In her vision she could see a tall, young looking rabbit with yellow fur, long hairs purple dyed and a scene where he was giving back her books and certificat what have fallen on ground few seconds before. 

After some more seconds, she has been hitted with an realization that it was her actual first time when she blushed at the sight of someone. Actually, scratch that, she just reminded herself that she bumped into him and his beautiful smile, green eyes like emerald and his kind aura directed at her

- ...  

- Mangle?, are you there? - snapping her fingers in front of Mangle's face 

- Ah~, sorry - snickers - didn't expect to space out like that~ 

- it's fine~~ - nods slightly - and??? how was it - eyesmiles - do you remember anything?

Mangle smiles as well

- Hah, as if I were to tell you ~~

- oh don't be like that!! - making a tsundere face ( :T) - tell me - making a puppy eyes

- Your vudu does not work on me~ - - chuckles - so don't even try

- OH COme On!!, We'll Be SiSters SoOn AnyWAy so why NoT?

- True~, but revelations like that~, are a blackmail material which I were searching for a long time now - winks, turns around and jumps out of lolbit's window

Bit runned to the window to see if everything is okey with Mangle and indeed she is, she is standing there like nothing has ever happened

- Let's meet at the Spring's house at 10!!~ - Mangle yelled from far 

Before lolbit could respond and actually yell that she don't know where Springtrap lives, Mangle has already disappeard leaving behind just an afterimage 

- damn... was she always that fast? 

(lucky lolbit, she didn't experience
the PE with Springtrap, and probably never will)

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