chapter 31 - part 2

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- wait a second - Springtrap raised index finger - someone is calling me - he was about to grab for his phone - wait - he looked back at Pawlos - you were talking about it?

- yeah - Pawlos replied smiling -  and it was a really good use of time - he standed 

- Are you going already? - Frexy asked

- Like I said... ah - nodded smirking and afterwards he looked at Frexy - right. You didn't catched it - he giggles 

- Hey. I am not an idiot 

- Then your IQ is so low that you can be qualificated as someone dumb - sruggles

- Hahaha - Mangle laughed - you get totally rect~ - she laughed so hard that tears start to drop so she wiped them. Frexy on the other hand stiffened in place totally broken like Foxy

- Yeah yeah - Pawlos smirked - I gotta go~ see ya some other time - he turned back, waved and teleported what for others was looking like disappearing in flames or dusting

Mangle turned her head back at Springtrap, not moved about Pawlos showy disappear. She noticed that Springtrap is talking with someone. Seeing it, she just wait until he end not wanting to interrupt

Springtrap P.O.V

(minute ago)

he looked at screen who is calling and it was his bro what is 5 years younger than him. Year older than Mangle. He accepted call and moved phone to his ear.

- Hi kiddo - Springtrap standed and went to corner of wall. Afterwards he leaned against wall - long time you wasn't calling. How's your tour

~ Not so bad. Mom as always excited to see new places and dad just try to keep up with her - voice replied  - and also - hearable inhales - can you stop calling me kiddo?~... I am not kid anymore

- yeah yeah - Springtrap smiles - sorry tili. I will never get used to that - smirks

~ Geez - sighs - but anyway anyway. We are going back home

- Wait - Springtrap interrupted - weren't you all  planning to go back next week?

~ Yeah... - hearable that he is scratching his neck - you can say that I fucked up and now we have to go back sooner

- Could have guess - sighs - May I ask what you did this time?

~ Well~... about that~ - he paused - I will tell ya when we will back home. Okey?

- FIne... When y'all be back? - Springtrap asked

~ We are entering train right now so~ guess we'll be in 2 hours hours 

- 2 HoUrS? - inhales and sees waiting Mangle - Guess that I have to change my plans for today - rolls eyes - see ya bro

~ Cya soon bro as well~ - he hung up call

Mangle P.O.V

Mangle noticed that Springtrap stopped talking someone. She smiled seeing it and hugged him

- Who you were talking with Springy?~

- it's my brother...

- You mean Goldy? - she interrupted

- Ah right~ - he looked at Mangle - I forgot telling you but I have younger sibling

- hmmm? You have another brother and you didn't told me? - sighs 

- You mad that I didn't told you?

- No~, I didn't asked about it anyway~. So how much he is younger - she asked

- If I remember right, it's 5 years... so yeah, he is 19 now 

- I see~ you really have a lot of sibblings - she giggled

- Yeah - giggles as well - but it would be all of them so yeah - he kissed Mangle's forhead - I gotta go now. I will introduce you to my family some other time

- ... - processing - wait. Should I be scared?

- Nah - he looked up - hah. Well, be on guard when it comes to my mom. She is such a overreacting person

- oh - she hugged tighter into Springtrap - Then see you tomorrow I guess

- indeed - he smiles and they both kissed. After few seconds they stopped and they went their separate ways. Mangle went to her siblings to try wake them both and Springtrap went to doors. Before he went he waved to Mangle, smiles and went outside.

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