chapter 37 - part 6

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- Meg... - sighs - if you had gotten wet back then~.. - putting her hand on her face - it's obvious that he would have noticed it already... - she said it while shaking both her hand and head negatively 

- W-well he is sometimes... impercipient.. - after realising - AAAAAAAAAAA - screaming - What I am Talking About -grabbing her hairs - It's Obvious He has Noticed!! - falling on her knees

- Ehmmmm... could you please~.. speak quiter? - giggles - It would be really~ bad if my sister were to wake up..

however, her words didn't reach Mangle

- He Will LiteRALLY Blackmail Me with that - hitting her head against floor - FOr the Fucking Eterinity!!

- M-Mangle?.. 

Mangle stands up and clenches her fist

- But It Doesn't matter!! - says with determination - you - turning her face at lolbit - you will help me to find his weaknesses - points at lolbit with her stare

- EEp - lolbit has made a single step back while seeing this sneering glow in Mangle's eyes - p-p-pardon?..

- He can't be the only one who possess the blackmail matterials after all~ - smiles at lolbit - so~, will you come at my boat and fish down some nasty secrets with me?

-... damn, that was a 180 degree shift.. - blinks - wait.. did she just ignored me again?

pushing lolbit to wall and pinning her to it

- Can I Count on You? - Mangle asked

- ... didn't you already gain such info already?.. - one eye partly closed while looking slightly down 

- ... wait.. You Are Right!!! - letting out lolbit and with that, making few steps away from wall and more to the center of room - He'S a Teacher After All

- .. "what grade does she have can I ask - asking herself - A's were  it?... well, for a person have grades like that~, she sure is... obvious... sometimes" - says it all in her mind

- ... .. - blushes heavily and gets back to ground again - who am I kidding... that info is useless comperable to what he has gained back then...

lolbit sweats

- he can literally speak of that things to me - continues - and do whatever he wants... and yet I.. if I tell someone about how we met... not only he would get fired from his work.. but I  expelled from school as well.. - Mangle said

- OOF... that's quite a dilema to have~ - moves her eyes aside - but don't worry Mangle~ - eyesmiles - your secrets are my secrets

- .. - stands up again - well, glad to hear that I can count of you - eye smiles as well - but~ I was just pretending for fun~ - pretends wiping the dust off her knees - don't take me wrong but I know Springy well and because of that, I know that he would never hunt me down with such embarrassments

- ... did you just... played all this time?..

- dah, obviously~ - turns her eyes at lolbit and winks - did I fool you well? - points with her thumb at herself

- ... Alright~~, I changed my mind - turns herself at doors - I am going to  tell the whole world that you've fetish on teachers and you get wet at just his presence~ - eyesmiles

Mangle reacted immediatly. Maybe for lolbit, it was like a blink of eye but non the less, after doing it she appeard in front of her as if she learned teleporting

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