chapter 38 - part 5

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- W-w-w-w-wh-what you m-mean?~... - tili said with a little sweat on his face - i-it's clearly we h-hadn't done such thing!... ..- and his eyes clearly being not directed at the addressee with which he talk

Lolbit moved her right palm up towards her face and after leaning it there, she sighed out of the clear disappointment

- oh?~~ - grins - then why do you stutter so much?, hmmmm?~ - Raimi said with a slight smug smile just to show her right in this situation

- I.. I.. .. - his face paled immediatly 

- Well~~ - lolbit sighs -  it's not like my BF is a good lier anyway so~.. - lolbit turned at the direction of Raimi - .. are we in trouble?..  - she said with a slightly terrified face 

- ... - Raimi turned her head with an wide opened eyes, slowly, at the direction of lolbit  - oh?.. so you admit having sex with my child after all

- W-well yes... - lolbit's eyes being turned aside - There is no point on hiding it anymore~... .. but well... uhm.. Why you are such close?...

Raimi out of a sudden was standing in front of lolbit with the same sneering and anticipating expression as not long ago. She was looking at the eyes of lolbit, directly, just like the Judge with the years of experience would

- You are aware of the responsibilities which you had just putted yourself into?.. - Rami said with calm voice, slowly, just so lolbit could clearly understand her position in this all

- Y-yes!... - she responds  - but uhm... I am really sorry for taking your sons virginity..

The menacing aura of Raimi rapidly started to increasing

- But!!.. - lolbit rapidly continues. The temperature rises as well - if... if it will come to that.. I am ready to drop from the school and marry tili... 

- Good~ - Raimi said with a soft smile and her aura dispersing - you passed my test~~

Tili  just fall on his knees 
from the sudden relief

- And what about you my son - Raimi turned at the direction of tili - will your be able to sacrifice yourself and any of your private life for this and only girl, marring her and taking care of your child if it will come to that? 

- Y-YES MOM!! - he immediatly standed up, straightened and respond rapidly as if he had been in front of General herself - I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU!! - he said bowing rapidly which had unfortunatelly endend with a loud bump into the floor

Raimi smiled with slight appearance of snicker

- Alright~ - she clapped once with her hands - now as we have it behind - she turned herself at lolbit and after getting close to her, she lowered herself - but there's no~ need for dropping out of the school my dear - she leaned her hand on lolbit's cheek - if it will come to that~ - eyesmiles -  I can raise one or two kids~. It's not a big difference for me anyway - she giggled

- "What is she.. a Devil???" - lolbit thought  

- Speaking of kids~ - Springtrap came out of the living room with a slight smug expression which was directed at tili

Tili's and lolbit's blush increased rapidly just by knowing that they were overheard by the third person. However, it turned into shock when another face has shown up

- You don't need to worry mom~~, we don't plan on surprising you with such thing like having kids anytime soon~~ - Mangle continued Springtrap's speech with an eye smile

- M-M-M-M-M-M-MANGLE? - lolbit said with a shaking voice

- The one and only~~ - Mangle responded with a slight chuckle

- Awh shame... I wouldn't mind you both having a child already~~ - Raimi responed

- W-What?! - both tili and lolbit interruptidly asks while turning their head at Raimi 

- If Mangle is allowed to have child, then why such a show with us! - lolbit continued with a slight annoyence and hands pointed at her chest

- Appaearance my dear~, appearance - Raimi said with a smile. Mangle sighs while looking aside and "for a sec I really thought that she'll say status" thoughts

- Well~ - Springtrap coughed - I wouldn't mind being dad and all - coughes again. Mangle punches him in side

- Not you too! - Mangle said

 - I am sorry I am sorry~ - he snickers - but you wouldn't mind it either, wouldn't ya? - smug smiles while directing his sight at Mangle 

- I... - Blushes - ... DON'T CHANGE THE TOPIC!! - hits Springtrap's side again

- Ouch~ - he said - but anyway, now as we have all the introductions behind us.. - takes a look at everyone but sighs after seeing Raimi's sparkling eyes and twitching tail 

- WHY, You Are Just PERFECT!!! - Raimi said with her hands together - Please MARRY each other NOW!!. I want Grand Kids!! NOW!!!! - she said

- Now?, don't wish the impossible - Springtrap says - Be satisfied now with Diana and G's Kittens - he wrapped his arms protectively around Mangle - I and Mangle can joke and all but there will be no grandkids until Mangle will end her school

Mangle nods while her face being covered with blush,
 eyes squeezed and tail waving around 

- And why are you in such heat again?.. - Springtrap turned his sight at Mangle 

- My knight in shining armor just came and protected me from the Evil!~~ - Mangle responded

Raimi laughs heavily

- Is there something to laugh - Mangle asks -  because I don't get it

- I am sorry. I am sorry.. But- - Raimi wiping the joy tear out of her eye - it was the best thing I have ever heard~~ - giggles - ... .. - coughes - but speaking of Kitty and..  G.G.G - covers her mouth just to not start laughing again - Do you really think that anything good will get out of them?~

- Ouch - Mangle said - I can already feel Diana's pain and I am not even her!

- Oh don't worry Shiro~ - Raimi smiles - you are a princess~.. Literally~~ - turns her eyes at Mangle clothes and smirks

- Hey!!, take this look out of my clothes!! - she says with a big Huff - only my Willy can undress me with his eyes!

- pardon? - Springtrap asks - "What did she just said I can?" - he thought

- pardon? - Raimi joins  - "What look again?" - she asks herself

- pardon? - lolbit finishes - "Willy?.. Willy Nilly? Willy Nilly Willy Wonka?"

- That's not a undressing look~ - Raimi Huffs - you had never ever seen my undressing look yet, my child... But speaking of which~... Nice shapes gotta say - smiles smugly

- Hadn't I have just said something?! - Mangle asks

- Right right, my bad~ - she giggles in respond - .. ... But now.. Seriously. If Diana and my sweet Gōru will have a child~. I will spoil them as all grandmas would do~ - Raimi said with a slight nod

- Then we will see! how much right is in your words when their child will born - Mangle said while hugging into Springtrap

- Correct - Springtrap nodded - but also~ - snickers - here comes a little spoiler from my dear friend called Fate to you all~

Everyone directed their heads with anticipation and wonder

- It will be a girl with a birth day of 1'st April~- he said with a wink 

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