chapter 36 - part 3

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- Ouch!. Ouch!. Ouch!. Ouch!. Ouch!. Ouch... - Diana groaned - What the Fuck, is wrong with my Wings?!.. - tears began dropping out of her eyes - ... they hurt...  

Diana turned herself and leaned with her back to the roof. Her wings were spread fully and still trembling. She  overworked her wings really badly right now. She started staring at the sky, moved her sight at her wings afterwards, and began looking at them with intense. 

More tears began running out of her eyes. It wasn't because of the pain from fall though, it was more like memories from childhood what were striking her right now. 

Diana began reminding herself about good old days, the moments when she could fly with her friends, playing with them and hiding in cloads for whole days. Sky was for her like the second home after all~. 

However, because of her responsibilities, fans, collage and family, she couldn't have find even a single minute for flying. One by one, more tears began running out of her eyes and before she could notice, it turned into cry. 

Diana didn't notice her tears at the beginning but after her fur began getting more and more soaked, it turned impossible to ignore it anymore. She moved herself into sitting position and with the help of her hands, she began wiping all tears from her face.

- Why... Why I can't fly anymore... ... - her voice was shaking, she was sobbing, she didn't know the reason - I thought... ... ah... I see... she became depressed after the realisation - it's because.. I haven't been using them for so long~... - she moved her hands on her legs, wrapped them around and began more and more folding herself into the same position as cats do while sleeping. 

After 2 more minutes, Fredbear popped out of nowhere. He knew that something is from with Diana and it wasn't just hunch, he was spending with her so much time, that he could feel her emotions from really really far. He didn't need to be in contact with her just to know what is happening with her

What a well trained bear

He made few steps towards Kitty, and after being close enough, he sat next to her. He moved one of his paws on her's head and slowly began petting her. 

- It's alright Kitty... everything is alright now~ - he said with a soft smile on his face

Diana hearing his voice, she couldn't control herself, she just jumped at him. After all, she really needed a that hug right now. She wrapped her arms around his waist tighly and began crying even more. Goldy expected it all, however, what he didn't expect was his favourite hoddie being all soaked. He sighed and let her be, after all he is here to comfort her~

Before he realised, Diana was falling asleep. He sighed even louder right now. Fredbear began wonder on what to do, he coulndn't have leave her be~. After thinking for a while, an idea stroke his mind, he will take her to his place. 

He knew that she won't mind anyway and so~. he grabbed her into bride style and immediately teleported out of there

<~~==<~ Tili and lolbit's P.O.V ~>==~~>

Both tili and lolbit have turned their sight at the place from which the light came. However, the problem is that nobody was there. Lolbit didn't know if it was a friend of her, or just a passer by, but she knew however, that in both situations, she has to find this person and beat them to pulp. 

She turned back and immediatly has told him her's plan

- We have to Hunt Them!!~~ - she said 

-... can we even find them?~.. well, you know. We turned our sight immediately after the light... and when we did, there wasn't even a single shadow behind

- can't you locate them?

- ... - he sighed because of the disappointment - I am a hacker, not a private tracker~ 

- please ~..- she said with begging voice - just try~.. - and puppy eyes

He inhaled loudly

- fine-.. I'll try - he rolled his eyes 

Tili wanting to show his best, he tried to activate his special eyes which helped him see if lolbit is at house before. He closed his eyes, began focusing energy into them and when it was ready, he tried to open his eyes

However, in exception of red eyes with circles and cross in the middle, they turned whole purple. There was no irises, no pupils, they were glowing fully with purple colour like flames. Second after second, his eyes began hurting him more and more. They began burning and hurting him.

Out of pain, instinctively he tried to cover his eyes, however, it didn't have worked as he though. Hands which were covering his eyes were slowly changing color from green to red and before the red colour could spread even more. lolbit has kicked tili in balls

The pain spread by his whole body like a thunder immediately switch off his transformation process. Before he could say something, he groaned and fall on ground like a tree. 

- are you alright? - lolbit asked

Tili tremblingly moved his arm out of his crotch,
moved it up and shown a thumb up

- I.. I am fine... ... - he responded

- great~ - ^^ - and how your balls? - asks with a little careless tone of voice

- in... pain......

- OvO - you will be able to still have kids? 

- .... probably.. - he turned his head and looked at lolbit - why you ask?...

lolbit just responded with blush. She turned around,
connected her index fingers and timidly
she began wiggle them 

- well~... - lolbit couldn't courage herself to say it out loud 

- leave it be... just.. help me stand up... again~...

- okey~... - she answered timidly - just give me a second

- sure... take your time~ - he slammed his head back to the ground

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