Chapter 19 "Moscow"

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- Where would you want go first? - Springtrap asks

- well... lemme think... I always wanted to see Red Square, I think - Mangle replies

- Red Square you says? Well - crossed his arms and started thinking - I think that it's good idea for start

- Cool - Mangle smiles - have you been here already?

- Not really, for me it's fist time like for you but anyway, I think that Red Square isn't that far away so would you mind walk there?

- Nah, it's good for me, after all~ my stomach isn't ready to teleport two times at row that fast.

- Heh - Springtrap smiles - so let's start walking then, maybe it is early right now but don't forget that longer we will be here then darker will be in Japan

- Yeah yeah, I remember, I don't want after all to make you late to you nightguard job

- Yeah... - Springtrap turns sight - it is one of reasons too - he smiles and laughs to that a little

- hey Springy - Mangle interrupts Springtrap's thinking

- Yes Mangel?

- Can I hold you by your hand?- Mangle replies and Springtrap laughs - HEY?! why you are laughing!

- Nah, it's just funny. You don't need a permission to hold my hand~

- Oh - Mangle blushes and turns sight - sorry for that stupid question

- Heh, don't worry, it's not a big deal for me and~- - Springtrap adds - Don't worry about details like that, there's not a stupid questions, there's only a stupid answers so~ - Springtrap extend his hand towards Mangle and Mangle takes a opportunity and grabs his hand

- Oh~ I think that it's tower of that Cathedral something?! - points in direction Saint Basil's Cathedral 

- yeah, it's not a big surprise that you already see it but~ - Springtrap laughing a little - it's not surprice that you don't know name of that attraction

- Are you laughing of me?

- Me? I would never - Springtrap smiles

- I see that smile~ don't even try to lie me

- Apologize me then~ - Springtrap laughs again - it's just your knowledge  and names what you use preteding that you know what things really are

- I can't do anything with that - Mangle blushes of embarrassment

- Don't worry sweatheart - Springtrap pats Mangle - That side of your is cute anyway - he smiles

- ... - Mangle makes weird faces when Springtrap pets her

- Ooo, I didn't knew that you like that much petting~ 

- I didn't knew either...

- Want me to continue?

- hmmm... no, I mean yes... wait... no... or maybe~

- Geez, decide or else I take my hand anyway - withdraws his hand

- No - Mangle takes Springtrap hand and place it on her head - Pet me!

- Geez, you are just like a cat~ but I am shocked that you don't worry about peoples glares.

- Oh. Right. - Mangle takes step back and blushes - I forget about people...

- Hehehe - Springtrap laughs - We are animatronics, we are in center of attention anyway and your behaves makes people evem notice as faster but anyway, it's not like it interrpts me - turns sight and smiles - after all we are couple now, you should be prepared that you will be point of attention anyway~

- Right... - Mangle grabs Springtrap hand again 

- But~... we were talking and talking and time went that fast that we are already standing Red Square

- Oh, Red Square. I forgot about it for a second and wow~ it's bigger than I thought

- heh, if you think that it's big then you should see Burj Khalifa~. Saint Basil's Cathedral compered to Burj Khalifa is like tiny bean~

- Then you know where we will go next time but first, lemme take photo first~, say: "c h e e s e ~ ~"

- photo? sure~ - Springtrap makes victory sight and closed his right eye smiling at the same time

- Ready?... wait, crouch down more~

- Like that?

- p e r f e c t ~ - Mangle make a picture

- Lemme see it

- Sure, what you think?

- What I think?, I think that photos can't show your beauty fully~

- Geez, can you stop flirting?

- Nah - Springtrap smiles

- By the way~... can I ask you something?

- Sure, shoot - Springtrap nods

- In that case~ Why you are that high? 

- You mean that I look like you are kid and I like your father? - Springtrap laugh

- hey, don't laugh, I am not small because I choose...

- Nah, I am just  too high, you don't need to worry about your size, that's not a problem to me because~

- hmmm?

- I can change my size at will - Springtrap smiles and gets close to Mangle's size - You see?

- Wait, why you didn't told me that you can change your size?

- You never ask~ but it's weird to me to be that small so I back to my normal size~

- Are you just said that I am small?

- Nah, I just said that I am too high

- o h   r e a l l y ? ~ ~ 

- o f   c o u r s e ~ ~but anyway, was that only thing what you wanted to take a pic?

- hmmm... It would be but~... if we are already here~ let's take more pics~

- Sure, it's not a problem to me

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