chapter 37 - part 4

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Few hours ago

It was 5 AM, Mangle couldn't sleep. Whatever she tried, she was overloaded with the thought of how her boyefirend's mother reaction on seeing her. "will she accept me?... I am just a  scholar after all..." and "it sound wrong itself on many levels..". 

She was fidgeting around her room and messing with her pink hair tips more and more making it more and more curly.

When the 6 AM she was walking in circle so much that she didn't notice how close she is to wall. She bumped into it and made herself fall on ground and land on her ass. She went back to talking with herself afterwards "It's alright Mangle~, just calm~ down~...". She breathed in and out for few more times and after doing so she indeed calmed down to her normal state

However, calmness became like a sore to Mangle, she jumped at the phone which was laying near her and tried to shot a hundreds of messages at Diana... however... it was to no avail.

Diana forgot to plug her phone to charger
before she went sleeping

But that's alright, she's probably sleeping anyway, "She's proably a hard sleeper anyway" Mangle said trying to explain to herself. But, little did she know, it's a total opposite.

Because of her childhood, Diana cannot sleep longer than 5 hours.
It's just her body who has adjusted to
everyday's waking up by her younger siblings' screams 

Getting back to Mangle, she turned her focus at lolbit's contact. After all she and her are at the same boat today as it seems.

Mangle began spamming tens of message
towards Bit's phone

However, lolbit put her phone while sleeping on mute. No matter how much Mangle would send her messages, lolbit would not hear a noise. Thought, even if she had her phone on normal notiffication settings, she wouldn't give a damn about it. Both Byte and Bit are hard sleepers after all.

"A unwakeable code sisters" was their nicknames after all

After few more minutes of waiting, no of two side which Mangle had tried to chat with has replied her a single message

Mangle visibly annoyed, she standed up, throwed her phone at wall (which has cracked her screen a little) and with the new determination, she went to the bathroom. It took a while for her to tide herself up of course, but after a hour and little minutes, she was prepared to go outside and with it "for any war".

She clenched her fist with the spark of determination and went outside of room. However, when she went out of the room and silently close it, it was 7:46 AM. She turned around and immediately jumped back after seeing her younger sister, Frexy, in front of her.

Frexy does have on her a pijama covered with fox heads and tails as details. She was rubbing her eyelid and when she opened her eye slightly, she was looking face to Mangle's flat chest.

- From when here's a wall - she asked herself mistaking Mangle with flat wall

it Made Mangle really pissed

After the stare down, Mangle has hitted Frexy with a anger mark on her face

For Frexy it was nothing at the beginning, after all she just woke up and she was still not respondning to surrounding, but after realising that she was hitted, she realised now that it was Mangle in front of her.

- Mangle?... what are you doing at this hour... - yawns - in such clothes - visibly sleepy 

- First apologize for calling me flat!~ - eyesmiling sneeringly

 - Sorry not sorry, it's really hard sometimes to point difference between your chest and wall - after saying it, Frexy got hitted again but even harder now

- Ouch~~ - rubbing the place where she was hitted - so? - opening one of her eye and staring with it at Mangle - where are you going?

- Well~- Mangle let a drop of sweat from her forehead - I couldn't sleep~ so I thought of going to school earlier~ - placing her two fingers together

- ... ... -  Frexy inhaled - Mangle.. - now her eyes opened - it's free off school day and~.. you are a bad lier - making her head look directly at the higher placed Mangle's face - are you trying again sneak out of house and go to your boyfriend?..

- ... - Mangle blushed uncontrollably - And WHat IF?! - getting louder

Frexy just passed by Mangle and went into bathroom. Before she closed it, she made it clear that she doesn't care where and when Mangle go.

- Then why you are so stiffed?... for sure talking with me is not your intention - moving her head little to side - so go there already~ - and so she closed the doors with a smile on her face

- ... ... ouch - closing her eyes and putting her hand on her chest - I felt that~ - saying it with poker face 

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