chapter 30 - part 7

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- But anyway~, I hope I did answered correctly for your question, Frexy~ - he smiled 

- Yeah.... - Frexy replied spaceling somewhere else in mind - what?... - she shaked here head and looked back at Pawlos - ah yeah yeah - she smiled - you said even more than I wanted to hear - she giggled

- I am glad then - smile back and afterwards he summoned cards - but it's my turn again so I wonder who will I draw this time~... - giggles like kid a little and next thing what he did was drawing card with pink colour

- Damn~ - Frexy replied

- Hah, guess you are unlucky today sis - Mangle said giggling

- Welp!~. Point of seeing depends of place of sitting, Mangle - Pawlos interrupted

- I Haven't tried To Be Rude anyway - she laughed and waved hand - but yeah, guess it was bad joke - sighs

- Well Mangel... - Springtrap sigh - I  know that when someone is pointing out your mistakes you are emotional but don't mind such a small things~ - he grabbed her in hug and petted her softly

- Thanks... Springy - blushes - tho it's really emberessing when some is staring at us while doing such things - she giggles

- I don't mind~ - Springtrap smiles looking at her and Mangle grabbed his cheeks and bring closer his face to her giving in result a kiss. After a little pause Foxy interrupted

- E-hem - Foxy coughed - I don't want interrupt you two birds such a moment~~ but~

- Right... - Mangle back to her place from before making avoiding stare out of feeling awkward. Springtrap seeing that just reacted giggling a little

- Time really pass fast when you do what you like~ - Springtrap said what made blush Mangle more - Did we missed something - he added

- Yarr. Frexy... actually asked for dare while you both - pointing on them - kissing for that 6 minutes~

- Wait!. - Mangle interrupted - Are you trying to say that we were kissing 6 minutes?! 

- In...deed - Foxy rolled his eyes - and by that time~ you both did skipped Frexy's dare - sruggles  

- Foxy just try to say that Frexy drew out of all people Springtrap - Pawlos said sruggling  

- Yarr, why did ya stopped my amazing speach mate?

- Sorry Foxy, but your pirate roleplaying start to get on my nerves - he smiled softly. Tho Foxy hearing that. Got broken heart totally whitening afterwards 

- oh... - Foxy just stopped moving and looked like he broke

- Why did ya said it to him? - Frexy says giggling - you totally broke him!~ - laughs

everyone joins laughing

- Sorry, not sorry - giggles - but Gods are always honest

- Sometimes when you are honest, you really are funny~ - Springtrap said

- Wait, you mean that I am not funny all the time?... - raises eyebrow 

- Well... - he rolled his eyes trying to avoid topic

- Ehhh.... you are so lucky Springtrap that I am nice and assertive guy~ - Pawlos sruggles

Everyone laughed (except Foxy) again

- Alright alright~ - Springtrap giggled - I feel bad that I couldn'y hear what Frexy's dare was like, but~. If I understand well, it's my turn to get shooted - giggles again. Because Mangle understood pun, she covered her mouth just to try to not show her laugh because it would be really rude. Springtrap seeing that just smirked 

- Yeah... - Frexy said - so you want true?, or dare

- Last time was dare so I guess this time question would be alright~ - He replied

- Alright - Frexy smiled - So tell me. From where so many scars you got?

- Hah, good question - smiled - I can answer it even without words - Springtrap said

- Oh really~ you made me curious then - she smiled and in meanwhile Pawlos sweated a little making avoide stare

- Indeed~ - Springtrap smiled closing his eyes - because~, cause is actually really near~ - he grabbed Pawlos and put him on his crossed legs. Afterwards he lean his head on Pawlos's and smiled 

- wait, don't tell me...

- Indeed~ Frexy - repeats - This little one here made me that ALL when we were doing sparring matches - giggles and Pawlos were sweating even more - you have something to say Paw? - he looked at Pawlos with closed eyes

- Well... - Pawlos sighed moving his head down - I didn't expect that you will be such easy to cut~ -  giggles blushing out of all that embarrassment

- You see? - looks back at Frexy 

- Wow. Small but... - Frexy said

- Don't dare to say that phrase if you value your life Frexy~ - Pawlos smiled and afterwards he opened his eyes sending at her killing glare. It made Frexy jump back instinctively sweating

- I think that I know what you mean.... Spring... - her eyes whitened shaking a little - I thought that I die right now... - she added

- Calm down Pawlos - Mangle giggles - she wouldn't mean to be rude when she was about to say  "crazy" word~  - waving her hand while having closed eyes but then that glare turned at her what made her sweat as well. Afterwards she hid behind Springtrap's back - h e l p  m e~ - she whispered to his big bunny ear

- Ehhhh... - Springtrap sighed - geez Pawlos, don't scare girls~ in that speed you never will find love - in that second Foxy back to reality

- What I missed? friends - he noticed Pawlos glare what made him broke again

- Pfff - Springtrap smirk giggling - you did~ actually broke him again~~ - he laughed and Pawlos calmed laughing as well

- heh, sorry for that - Pawlos sighed - You see~...  even if I am assertive guy~ - smiles - I don't like being called as a crazy maniac what like only to fight and kill - giggles nervously scrathing back of his head

- But you do love fighting bruh - Springtrap looked again at Pawlos with disappointed stare

- Well~... - Pawlos start to sweat again but sigh after second - let's just continue... - makes avoiding stare

- Alright then - Springtrap replied with smile while putting Pawlos back at place where he was while ago - so I guess it's my turn to draw a card~

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