Chapter 8 - part 3

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There was dead silence between Springtrap and Mangle. Akai become bored by seeing that so he interrupted by saying:

- Geez~ please stop that silence~~ - sigh - anyway~ that's not a place for flirting so what you guys say about changing location

Springtrap's mind cleared by hearing that words and he agreed and the same was with Mangle.

They back to the normal world but Springtrap was still in his golden fur form what make Mangle wonder and at the same time she asks:

- Hey Springtrap, didn't you said before that there will be problems when you'll be walking in that form normally?

- I said it differently but if I said really like that then apologize me~ - he smiles - what I mean before was that when I transforming back into golden form I release that much pressure - replies

- Really?~ In that case is it that mean that now there is no problems? - wonders

- Well~... - holds his neck - it's not like there is no any side effects~ There's still that pressure what I am releasing, but~ it just makes people feels dizzy a little around me - replies

- Then what about me? Will I be feeling dizzy too?

Akai interrupts

- No you won't, you resisted Uncle's transforming so that makes you 100% sure that you won't be feeling any side effects... - thinks for a while - Welp~, I would want to say that in that way but in true you have weird connection with Uncle Spring - replies

- What you mean by saying weird connection? - Mangle asks

- Spoilers~~ - Akai replies - welp, I don't want to interrupt you so I'll be leaving now, I have anyway many plans for today - after saying that he disappear

Mangle seeing Akai's disappearence realized that if Springtrap would said on loud his God name she would really think that they are familly because of their teleportation abilities, but even if she realized that she was alone with Springtrap and normally it wouldn't be bad but while ago she just said on loud that he is "hot" what makes appear another silence between them but luckly Springtrap interrupted that silence by telling: 

- So~ would you want me to escort you to your house?~ - after few seconds - Well... you know, it starts to get darker so it wouldn't be save to... - he bite his tongue moment before he would said "pretty girl" on loud 

- W-Well... I think that I'll go alone anyway... 

then she realizes that Springtrap is in his golden form what makes his identifity hiden and after realizing that she continued

- Well, you know~ I think that you can escort me for a while - Mangle responds

- In that case lead me, because I don't really know when you live - sadly replies

- hmmm... - Mangle wonders - fine I'll lead you - happy responds

Mangle for a moment wanted to grab Springtrap by his hand because of wont, she apologized Springtrap that she wanted to grab his hand but Springtrap just smiled and said "there's not a problem,  you don't need to hold back, if you want you can grab my hand"

Mangle hearing that, she blushed. Springtrap held out his hand and Mangle grabbed him. They walked for a while holing they hands what makes Springtrap to say

- Heh, it's quite emberessing~ 

- Yeah~... - Mangle replies with a blush on her face - btw, can I call you Springy?

Springtrap hearing that nick blushes a litlle and started to scratch his necks and he replies

- Well... there's not a big problem with calling me like that, but~ please, don't call me like that on lessons~ - laughs a little - okey?

Mangle agrees with that, she realize that if she would call him like that on public, somebody would say to headmaster and Springy would get fired by that and her, then she said

- Then what if I call you like that when you will be in your golden form?, it wouldn't be suspicious~

- Welp, it would be solution for that problem... anyway I noticed that on presence list your name is Mashiroi~ why everybody call you as a Mangle?

- Well... it started because of my brother because I back one time to school with mangled cloths and he wanted to make a joke... and everybody started to call me like that because it's easier than say Mashiroi~

- hmmm... - wonders - Mangle isn't suiting for you... what if I called you Mangel insted of Mangle

- ... and where is difference? it sounds similiar?

- You think~ but in Mangle isn't any angel~ - laughs of pun what he made  

- I think that you can call me like that~... - Mangle Blushes because of that flirt and then she realizes that she is in front of her house - We are already? Wow, it pass really fast

Mangle stopped to hold Springtrap hand and she runned to her house but before entering she turned back and says "It was a really nice day~, let's do it again someday", Springtrap hearing that he realized that it all of this was a date, his first ever date in his life, after that he just teleported to his room but that last words of Mangle overheard Foxy but before he checked to who she was talking, there wasn't anybody.

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