chapter 39 - part 6

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- ... - Springtrap sighed and like that, he stayed in silence for few seconds - it's so easy to read you that I am surprised that nobody had found out about our relationship yet

- Hey! - Mangle said with a huff - I can keep secrets - crosses her arms

- Yeah~ sure you can - replies with an eye smile - but had you considered that your expressions  say otherwise?

- And what does that suppose to mean? - asks with slightly puffed cheek

- it suppose to mean, that everything could be read easly just by looking at your body gestures. When you lie, you turn your sight aside, when you are pressured by someone, you try on changing topic, you blush, fidgets in place. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if you would slip your tongue once when we'll be in school

- ... ... - Mangle moving her sight aside - alright, I admit, I am not a good lier... - her face visibly sadden - it's pointed at me everytime and in every conversation I take part.... .. so.. . I am surprised too that I could had hide  our relationship for so long... But what do you think..? Will I be able to keep it  for next month, two... years? - turning her sight back at Springtrap - For how long should we be hiding it...? 

- Shiro... - Springtrap had said while moving his hand in a playing motion against Mangle's hairs - I know that you would want to reveal our relationship. Who wouldn't want~ - smiles - ... .. - moving his eyes aside - Yet It's spring. I am your teacher. Not so long ago, you've started 3'rd grade. Technical Highschool last 4 years. 5, depending which country we are talking about... . . it would be wise for us to hide it at least till the end of school

- Can't you do anything about it? - she asks

- ... No..  I may had just started this kind of of business recently, which actually may be a good thing for us. After all, first working contracts last a year, they are kind of trial which make you see if you like this kind of job or not. After first contract expires, next can be made after, extending it  

- Then... the only time which we'll be able to reveal it, will happen when I'll end school... .. . Spring, you know about my condition. I must find a partner yet before I'll turn 19. You know that we have to reveal it yet before I will get to that age..?

- ... .. I know.. . I know that you are put in between of  very tight situation yet.. Actualy. Meg? - turning his sight at Mangle - When is your birthday? - asks

- Ehm... I don't know why to ask so sudden. Is it really important to know? - sweats - Hadn't you had chance checking it at my school profile yet? 

- I mean I could~ But it's not the same as hearing it from the main source - sweats slightly -  Right? And yet, I would want to know how much time do we have till you will get 19

- Right...~ - giggles in response - My birthday is while the September 17~. Plus. I started school quite early - scratches -  so my 19'th birthday will be next year... it's not a problem that I am 17, right?

- ... you're.. .. 17? - lolbit interrupts

- Well yeah. That's what I said - Mangle smiles slightly out of the increasing awkwardness

- No.. It's just. I thought that between you and Springtrap are like 6 years. Not 7..

- Actually - scratches - My 24'th birthday is still to come~... very soon - snickers - so yeah, I thought that between me and Shiro is like 5 years of difference~ - Springtrap said while moving his sight at Mangle with slightly puzzled yet dumbfounded face - Yet there's 6 plus the feeling of  dating minor

- I am Not a minor! - Mangle adds with a huff - I will turn 18 soon~. It's just few months 

- Few months you say... Meg.. 18'th birthday is the most celebrated birthday out of the all you will turn to have. Actually. Take into consideration that If someone were to find out about relationship now, I will be fired. Immediately. Put into prison and never be able to find a job

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