chapter 37 - part 5

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Mangle sighed deeply while directing
her sight at the doors to outside

- Now~... what should I do with all this time.. - scratches under her ear, which has concluded with slight ear twitch - ... Guess~.. it'll not bite if I'll go to Bit myself - she stopped scratching, got back to her room to cloth herself properly and pick up her phone from ground. Who knows, maybe she'll need it. 

After getting there,  she noticed the inpact mark on the wall, and thanks to it, she knew where to began her search. She crouched near the place and started looking around.

After looking for few minutes which in end, were 2 minutes~, her phone was found laying on the ground, screen to floor and the most importatntly, under the bed. She wondered on how it got there but it doesn't matter now, she reached for it and picked it up. After doing so, she turned screen to her face and noticed the slight crack on it.

Mangle has got an angry mark on her face, she inhaled and put her hand on her face just to cover her annoyance. After another minute of literally not doing anything, she put her hand down just to put her phone back to the handbag.

- Well.. Milk has been spilled~ - sighs - though, It would be really inappropriate to cry over it~ - she giggled

After ending the giggle, Mangle left both her room and home. But, somehow she could feel it in her bones, that something will happend today and it won't be actually good 

20 minutes later
Lolbits' house

Lolbit's ear has twitched, and no, it doesn't matter how much is she a hard sleeper, nobody can ignore the noice of window being under the rock attack. Well, everyone except lolbit. She's been sleeping still like a baby, like there nothing were happening at all.

It made Mangle irritated, sure. After all, she's been hitting lolbit's window for over 5 minutes and it still didn't make lolbit wake. It's not surprised that she's annoyed. Mangle wondered on how can there exist a person who can sleep so hard

Out of a blue, Fredbear's snout began twitching, after after doing that for like 2 seconds, he sneezed. However, it didn't make him wake up from the floor.

Mangle face palmed and after calming down, she tried to adjust the situation to the new plan. It took a while, but in end Mangle have gotten an idea. She slided out her claws and with them, she began climbing the wall. After all she always has been a good climber.

After getting to lolbit's window, she tried to open it and lucky for her, it was already opened. However, even if it were to be closed, Mangle would destroy the window out of necessarity. She entered the room and after so, she made her claws sheathe back to their normal shape and size. 

The sudden entrance of someone to room, made the owner's ear twitch again as well with the eyelid going slightly open. 

Lolbit with her slight opened eye could see a blur of someone's getting near to her , however, she thought that it's just one of her dreams where she is assulted by her sister. She ignored it and went back to sleep, however,  it turned up to be one of her mistakes which she'll regret soon. 

She's been shooked with the force of mammoth

Lolbit immediately came back to her senses

- M-m-Man-gle  s-s-to-p  sh-a-king m-me~e~e~e~e~... 

- Ah, finally you awake~ - Mangle making an eye smile

- ... ... wait... Meg?.. how you've got entered my room?... - yaws - my doors are always locked

- Well~, your window wasn't - smiles innocently - and so~, I invited myself into your room~

lolbit turned her sight at the window which
indeed was opened and not broken

- ... I.. see - takes a big breath which not surprisingly ends with an yawn - nice to see ya~... ... but, why so early?.. - adjusting her position into the sitting one

 - well~, I just wanted to ask for the opinion~

- opinion.. what opinion? - reached for her phone and turns the screen - no, the better question - turning her screen to Mangle sight - why you.. would want to know my opinion at 8:20..

- oh come on~, how long can someone sleep~ - rolling her eyes 

- ... enough to be well rested.., now, if you don't mind~ - putting her phone back on drawer - let me sleep at least 4 more - slides deeper into blanket making herself immedately fall asleep again

- ... why I do feel a deja vu~... ... ah, right, with Byte was exactly the same - snickers 

Mangle looks at lolbit and after making up another plan, she grabbed by lolbit's blanket and yeeted it away into the other side of room. Sniff

- ... wait, what's that smell?... - sniffing again - wait.. - notices that lolbit is with her pants slightly slided down. Smirks - Ooooh~ A Blackmail material~ - chuckles sneeringly

lolbit hearing it, her ear twitched again but this time, it made her  rappidly awake and in miliseconds get away off her bed with her pants now slided back up. Actually, she was holding her pants so tightly that she was pulling her pants at her pussy, rubbing it.

- I-I-It-t-t's n-n-n-not what you t-think - blushes heavily

- Oh~, seriosly~ - making a fox grin - because - making few steps closer - tho, to me it seems  like you had quite some fun last night~

- l-l-ll-like I-I-I said, i-it's not w-what you t-think i-it is!...

- Well~ maybe I am not right~ - pointing with her sight - but~, for me it seems like your pijama is not agreeing with your words 

lolbit blushes heavier

- I-I-I DIDN'T... m..

- you didn't what? - smiles getting yet more wider - you've bite your tongue~

- ... ... ..- sighs - fine - putting her hands up - alright alright, you've caught m~- pauses- I did masturbate last night... - giggles for a second while turning her sight aside - BUT!! - points at Mangle with one of her hands and other still holding her pants - Masturbating Is Not A Crime! 

- of course of course~ -waves her hands agreeably -  I do get wet too~ especially when I see my Springy~ 

- w-wait, seriously?

- mhm~ - nods with an eye smile

- b-but, your pants are always so..., I-I never..., I mean my snout is really sensitive and... when I saw you both together, I have never smelled anything like that

- Oh lolbit, Magician never tells his tricks~. But now~ - get's face to face - it doesn't matter - smiles - What matter~, is that you love tili a lot

- ... - looks down - yes... I do... a lot actually... ... - OvO - and you? - looks back at Mangle - do you want get to your boyfriend's bed as well?...

Mangle snickers

- Ehm... W-why you are laughing?

- Ah... apologize me~.. -wipes tear from her eye - it's just~ that I already have slept with Springy~

- W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-WHAT?!!!!.. Y-y-y-y-y-you B-both s-slept?! - interrupts

- MhmMm~~ 

- ... ... h-how does it felt t-to lose your v-virginity... - grabs Mangle by the collar of her shirt - I want to Know!!

- ... .... ...... - Mangle.exe has stopped working. Rebooting. Mangle's face turned heavily red - n-n-n-not I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I... I d-d-di-n't m-m-mea-nt-t it i-i-in ThaT~ w-w-way~ - she said while waving her arms uncontrollably - we... we just - fidgeting in place - shared same bed and... that's all~...

- ... you both haven't use the situation at all? - lightening her grip slightly

- well... I was wetting as crazy at that moment... - covering her face with hands - h-hope he hadn't noticed it back then.. but That's Seriously ALL - blushes heavily

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