chapter 32 - part 6

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Springtrap tried to avoid his mother's stare but when he turned his sight from her she punched him in shoulder lightly

- Calm down boy~ I am just playing - she smiled softly - you are grown adult, you can go with anyone you want - she added

- *Phew~* That's a relief but why then you were making such a scenes with Fredbear - looks back at her

- that was completly different situation Springy~ - she continued smiling - he was just 16 back then~ - add

- hah - blushes out of being emberessed - right~ - giggles - then I was worrying for nothing - smiles

- yeah yeah - she interrupts - but it doesn't change that I demand you to tell me more about my that girl what you such love to propose marriage

- marriage? - he choked - sorry about that but we just engaged, nothing more - he waved

- oh please~ don't teach parent how life work - she said waving at him - engaging is literally the same as asking for marriage - smiles 

- well... - sighs - guess that I won't be able to change your mind - put hand on his face - It's true that we engaged but we are not planning to make such big ceremonies any time soon 

- sheshhh - rolls her eyes - and I thought that finally I will rid one of my sons from home - she said to herself not such loud

- pardon?

- nothing~~ - giggles - didn't expect that you actually would hear me

- Heh, sometimes I just laugh your lack of education - smiles - forgot that rabbits can catch with their ears even whispes?

- no no~ , but it was rude from you - crossed her arms 

- yeah yeah - waved his hand - don't need to take that such personally, I was just joking anyway

- hope so~~ - smiles - so anyway anyway - looks at Springtrap eyes - it's a bad place for such a conversations so will you tell me more about her while we walk?

- sure - he smiled - what you want to know? - asks

- I don't know - sruggles - you can tell me everything but if you seriously don't know from where to start - smiles - you can start with where you both met

- well... ... - scratches his head

- what, it shouldn't be a hard to answer

- I know I know - sighs - but it's just too awkward to say it - he says and Raimi hearing it giggled

- she is adult isn't she?

- in West rules or of our country - sweats

- ah I see, so she is in 18 to 21 buckle - nods - It's not bad age so don't worry, it's not such awkward unless it would be one of your students but it's impossible - she laughed and Springtrap make just avoiding stare sweating even more 

- yeah... he..he.... he.... 

- Guess that your tone admite my words - smiles - so tell me, where you both... met?.... .... - she looked at Springtrap's face again and saw him acting weird - wait... - laughs - she is your student? 

- looks like I am too easy to read - sigh - yes, I admit it, she is my student but we knew about our existence earlier

- I see I see - crosses her arms and smirk - Now I understand why it was such awkward to you to say it on loud - chuckles 

- yeah - rolls eyes 

- heh. Now as I know that, how you both fall in love?

 - It's really hard to explain - lay his hands on back of his neck - it was few weeks ago and she talked to me while going back to home from school. In end I don't know her motives but  possibly she was curious about my outsanding height or fur colour 

- possibly she has fetish for tall guys - chuckles 

- maybe~ - continues - she did admit that she like my height but I guess that it wasn't just it why she started to talk with me like that.

- I didn't had any crush on any of my teachers because I was already dating with your father but yeah. I guess it is understandable - smiles - there is no girl what would not blush while seeing you 

- oh please, every mother say it to their childrens

- hah, you right - smirks and turns around - but I am fully honest with you - smiles - can you the describe momet when you started to like her?

- ehhhhh... lemme think~... ... ... - pauses - now as I think Mangle probably had some type of feelings to me. After all she did blushed really often while being near me - sruggles 

- she nosebleeded? - asks

- yeah, when I show her my yellow fur, she did nosebleed - giggles - I didn't expect that such a things like nosebleed can happen in real life as well but world never stop to surprise me - smiles - and how about you mom, did you had nosebleed?

- I did - blushes reminding herself about past - hey Spring, wouldn't you mind to have another sibling

- Pfffffff - choked - pardon me... it was unexpectable. But why you ask?

- well you know. You asked me about such a thing what make me remind how your father's dick is huge - giggles 

- don't tell me that you are that type of person - says with disappointment

- Is it sin to be rabbit? - laughs 

- ehhhh... yeah yeah, you right, rabbits really like do it a lot - giggles - so I am glad that I am still Virgin and don't need to worry about such heats

(rabbits naturally does own a lot of kids as well as rabbit partners are very loyal in love. So basically when rabbit male fall in love, no other rabbit famale will move his heart. Is it explains you now why I made such cold hearted Springtrap at beginning?)

- why? - she asked

- well, you know. I don't want to become dad such soon as my bro will be soon - giggles

- right - giggles - it's good... wait... what did you just said?

- Oopsie~ - giggles - well, Fredbear will tell you that anyway so you can ask him

- I WilLL - she smiled and at the same time overprotective mother mode has activated

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