chapter 38 - part 4

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And then?

The doors began to slowly open, 

behind them? - Tili.  

Tili has been trying his best to open the doors the most silent he could, however, as in life it always is, nothing plays as you please. The same moment doors were opening, the slow, unpleasing noice of creaking was arising.

On the other side of doors, were standing both Tili and lolbit (Bit), both holding with one hand each other and Tili just trying to open the doors the way no one could be alarmed

He peeked through the chink of the slightly opened doors and looked left and right to see if no one was around. He rised his guard by bettering his hearing on the surrounding, and then? He was certain that no one was around. 

Tili  took a big breath out of the relief and opened the doors now fully.

After doing so, he tightened his grip with hand which he had been holding lolbit's hand. He went through the doors and after doing, he silently closed them and rised his free hand up with only one finger up and signalized lolbit to stay still to not say anything, just wait.

Lolbit smiled approvingly. And so, the next thing tili did after seeing the approval, he replied with a same smile, loosen his grip of his hand with which he was holding lolbit and just by himself made a few steps forward.  He looked left seeing that no one was there, and he was about to look right, but someone has grabbed him by his shoulder while he was doing so

Tili knowing that only lolbit could be behind him, he didn't have worried. He moved his head to left just to see lolbit but when he done that, his expession has changed immediately. His green fur has gotten a blue shade on it's own

The one who was standing behind him was Raimi, his mom. He took a fast peak at the lolbit's last position and noticed that she wasn't there, he began to sweat more and more, his face could be compared to the rain cloud itself.

He tried to say something, but when he was about to do so, he felt as if his tongue was tangled itself. He freezed

- Greeting~. Son - Raimi said with a calm tone, her head slightly aside, scleras black and irises glowing red so much, that the glow of Raimi's eyes were making him stiffened in place.

When he was about to pass out out of the high pressure, Raimi loosened her grip making him fall on ground on his back. He was confused. The pressure of Raimi's grip and aura disappeard fully at once.

He blinked few times and when he was about to fall, in the middle he catched with his eyes that Raimi was not standing behind him but in front squeezing the living hell out of lolbit.

- SO That'S a YOu! WhO HAd been CHoOseN by My YoUNgeSt!~~ - Raimi continued with a squeeze getting tighter, she moved lolbit to her chest and with that, shook the living out of lolbit making her turn left and right with the momentum of Raimi's ever changing direction body. But, after few seconds of doing so, she stopped and looked at still processing the situation eyes of lolbit - Call me mom, 'Cause I am your mom now~ - she eye smiled

- Emmm... sure?... .. Ehm.. Mom?.. - lolbit replied with a light blush

- YES!! I am Your MAMA!! - Raimi began again shaking lolbit left and right but now with much higher speed

- M-Mom.. - Tili said with his arm outstretched at the direction of  his mom. His face was covered with a heavy blush of amberassmemnt - Please, stop.. you'll make her vomit.. ..

As if God could hear his pray, his wish has been granted. Raimi stopped shaking lolbit as if the words has broke throught the wall of her own world, and little ashamed, she answeed 

- Ah~ yes, Ek-hem -  she smiled - I am sorry for shaking you that much. You know, emotions of finally meeting your and all~ - Raimi has loosened her grip but not so much to leave lolbit on her own . She slided her arms onto the level of lolbit's arms and kept holding her like that so she could not fall

- I-I-I-It's F-F-Fine~~... - lolbit's head and eyes were shaking as if to search again for the lost gravity - My WOrld~-. Is~-. Still~. Sha~-king~-.. Mmm.. - she grabbed her mouth as if to vomit but in end, she resisted the need - Give~-... Me~.- A Sec!~-... Please.. - Some of her sight began coming back to it's normal functioning, it started to stop shaking and when it stabilized fully, she glanzed at Raimi's red eyes like rubies 

- I am really glad to finally meet you~... .. but now as I think of it~ - Raimi moved her head slight aside, she loosened her girp fully and moved two of her fingers leaning them on her chin - Mmmm, I start to worry about my sons

- Emmm.. pardon? why? - lolbit said questionly 

- you see~ - moving her hand on her cheek and leaning her head on it - you look exacly like Mangle.. aren't ya one of her siblings by chance?

- N-n-n-no!!, I am Not! - lolbit said 

- Like I guessed~~ - Raimi continued with an eye smile and a wave of her hand - you are so beautiful tho, that it's unnatural!~~ I am glad that you choosed my son as your one..- takes a sniff as if she recognized the forbidden smell - but.. - Her face immediately darkened - wait... Hold on a sec. Your smell - sniffs again - it's like..

lolbit blushes. Raimi moves her head  immediatly at the direction of her son 

- You hadn't done what I think you done - Raimi said with her eyes slowly opening 

- W-W-What you M-Mean? - tili asked with a slight stutter - it's obvious that I... and lolbit give off the same.. s-scent. We cuddled a l-lot after all - he chukled worryingly

- No. I didn't mean that. - now fully turned at the direction of her son - She. Gives. Off. The. Same. Scent . As. You. - smiles calmly but with the situation in which both lolbit and tili are now, it was worse than any mad face they could received  in their entire life 

Both lolbit and tili's faces were possessed by the heavy blush which were covering right now both of their faces fully

- You. Hadn't. Done. Sex. By. Chance? 

From the living room was heard a loud cough 

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