chapter 25 - part 2

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Mangle P.O.V

Mangle turned off her phone and after it, she putted phone to her pocket

- It was rude Mangle~ - Frexy said - I thought that you have some manners but taking out your phone in the middle of converation - smiles

- you know that I had to answer~... - Mangle replies

- Yeah yeah - she closed her eyes and sighs - was it that your boyfriend?

- Do I have to answer - she said it with a halfly opened eyes glare - it's obvious that it was him

- Yeah, you right, there wasn't any sense of asking~... So did he said when he will come

- hmmmm... - smiles and turns in right - was he said something about it - having fingers on her chin - heh, just joking around - she turned her sight back at Frexy - he said he will be in 20 minutes

- fast! - she replies - heh, I wasn't expthing that he will be that fast

- Nah, it's understandable expresion - smiles - but it's Springy after all. I guess that there is nothing impossible to him.

- you says~~... - sighs - alright, so I have to prepare - she turned back - I am going to change my clothes, see ya after 20 minutes sis

- Ehhh... - sighs - alright sis~

Frexy went out of room and go straight to her room. In the same moment Mangle was wondering what she should have wear but remembering that it's Springtrap what will visit, she didn't payed that much attention to her clothing. She just take off her school uniform and changed it at her normal clothing. She weared her grey sweater and black skirt and because she wasn't planning to go any time soon to outside, she didn't weared her black hamstrings what she usually wear.

After changing her clother she still had spared 10 more minutes so she went out of her room and sat on sofa and waited there for rest of time. Frexy noticed Mangle sitting in living room so she came to Mangle from her back specially to scare her. After coming close enough, she just yelled word "Boo" to Mangle's ear. Mangle because of that jumped from her place and landed on ground hitting at the same time back of her head by corner of table

- Ouch.... why you got me from behind... - Mangle holding her back of her head becuase of pain

- You know Mangle that I couldn't resist - giggling

- I know... but because of you I hitted my head againts table...

- Yeah yeah - smiles - but it's not like you lost memories or anything of that so stand up already~

- Ehhh... - sighs - fine, but at least give me a hand

- Sure sure - smiles - that's what I can offer at least - she putted out her hand 

Mangle seeing that just grinned. Frexy made her guard down and Mangle used opurtinity. She grabbed Frexy by her hand and pulled her at herself. After that Mangle hitted Frexy in stomach using her hands what made Frexy fly ceiling with rapid time. When Frexy understande what just happended. She already bounced off the ceiling.

- You Let Your Guard Down!~ - Mangle yelled with laugh and after stopping she balansed herself and using her hands to bounce herself from floor to standing position

- Ouch... I could have expect that you will do something like that...

- It's Called Revenge Sister!~ - she laughed again but this time interrupted her sound of knocking to doors

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