chapter 37 - part 8

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- ... now.. what should I do? - scratches - I could have gone back to sleep and take another nap but.. - Lolbit began wondering on what to do at this point - likly an hour left, and.. - groans -  the thing is that I still don't know where tili lives~

Bit sighed, locked up her eyes at her phone, turned it on and searched for a  tili's number. Lucky, she had the contact in her favourites since ages, and so, she hadn't have a big problem in finding it. She clicked the screen and put the phone to her ear.

5 seconds passed, 10, 12, no response. She was waiting and waiting, but as it seemed, to no avail.  As tili hasn't been answering, he hasn't been doing it still. 

She was about to get a tick mark on her face but seconds before it could have happen, tili accepted the call adn at the same time, he was the one who started the talk

- Ah~, I am really sorry about not answering sooner.. - in the receiver a slight giggle could be heard - but I was out of the reach for a few secs~

- It's fine~ - lolbit shruggled it off both showing it with her hand and a calm voice - though tell me, what could have happened that you oh so called all-seeing, not receive the call? 

- ehhh... - sighs - as I have thought, you are mad at me~... - scratching could be heard - I am really really sorry about making your wait but~ - eye smiles - ... you know.. I do have a "physiological needs" too~ - giggles 

- it's fine, it's fine, I understand. I hasn't been mad at you anyway~

- Babe~.. - inhales - your sarcasm is as predictable as the current status of our realation~, plus, I know you good enought to tell when you lie or not - winks

- guess I can't hide from you everything now - sighs but giggles at the same time - I thought for a second that there will much more time needed for you to see me through~  - inhales - but~ you are observant one after all~ 

- yeah - snickers - guess you could say, that I have that in blood~~ - chuckles 

- well, doesn't matter anyway~ - interrupts - so~, could I ask you something?

- is it important?

- if it hasn't then tell me, why I am calling you now? 

- hah, you have a point~. What you need Bitty~ ask my anything what you want~

- ... did you just.. called me Bitty? - blushes

- well~.. if you don't like that nickname, I can think of something else-

- naaah-~ - interrupts - It's really fine, you just took me of guard and that's all~ - smiles - you can call me like that if you want~ I really like it~~

- Alright~ - says with a happy tone of voice - so what is the thing you need to know?

- .. well~, maybe it is weird to ask and...  maybe out of a blue as well, but~.. could you come at my place and take me to your house?...

- why?..

- well~... you know~.. you kinda didn't tell me where you live~... ..

- ... .. you are right.. I never mentioned that.. - scratches - alright, I'll be there in a sec! - smiles

- looking forward to seeing that~ - giggles - however, how many secs are we talking about?

from both receiver and her room

- literally one~ - eye smiles

lolbit jumps back

- how did you appear here so fast!!

- hah, magician never tells his tricks~ - [he used the phone connection to teleport from one place to another]. Bows - but wow~ - winks - you really are as fearful as cat~ - giggles

- stop laughing! - blushes, turns aside, crosses her arms and makes with that all a typical tsundere face 

- Oh~, did I stutter my Bitty? - makes a  coosing look

- shut up!.

- Sure sure~ - makes a few steps forward, hands holding in back - so what, would you rather me to grab you to my home~, or you want to spend some more of your time standing like that~ 

- ... where is now all of that shyness from day before ?..

- oh you know - smiles - I do am shy and all, but I can stop stutter when I'll get used to something~ - makes another step - or someone~ - says next to lolbit's ear

lolbit jumps back again

- hahahaha - tili laughs - I am really sorry for that~ I just wanted to see your reactions at that's all~ - wipes the tear from his eye- and to be honest~~ it took literally my everything just to tease you like that~

lolbit inhales deeply 

- wonder how my mom can do such a things everyday and night with dad~ - tili continues with his speach, closes his eyes and giggles

- So that's how you want to play~ - lolbit said, tili still having his eyes shutted

Lolbit used the chance of tili's temporar unawareness, grabbed him by his shirt's collar and kissed him in his lips

Tili immediately opened his eyes, he was shocked and all, but he didn't refuse or made a step back. Tili wrapped his arms around lolbit's torso and kissed her back with a slight blush on his face.

What is the most impresive out of it all, is that their awareness of surrounding has gone completly and because of that, before they could have realized, 10 minutes has passed. And the one who stopped the kiss first was suprisingly lolbit herself

- I tried to tease you and look how we ended up like~.. - lolbit said while being pinned by tili to her ground and both began to have their staredown

- hah, be glad that I've been back to senses yet before I teared all of your clothes from you~

- oh~~, you can tear them up if you want~, I won't be going to mind it at all~ - she said with a slight seducing voice

- then what we'll tell my mom~

- oh please, she won't even notice if we'll do that here and now~~

- I know~, but little do you know, she does have an incredible sense of smell~

- then let's do that in a shower~, not even the greatest sensor would have catch the scent then~ - winks

- ... you know what?~ - kisses - it's not half of a bad idea~

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