chapter 21 - part 4

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- so are we going to check them? - Springla asks

- of course we are - Diana replies - wonder what that two lovebirds are doing there - she laughs derisively 

Diana and Springla trying to not make any suspicious, they were trying to walk silently and when they were in front of doors and opening them they starting giiggle of what they see. They saw Mangle sleeping on Springtrap what no long after make Diana take her camera and make photo of them. Of course Springla demanded from Diana of copy and Diana not having any problems with that she nodded.

Not long after Springtrap woke up and totally didn't know what he supposed to do. He saw Mangle sleeping on him and Diana with Springla in doors giggling. He tried to process how that all could ended up like that blushing at the same time. Mangle could feel Springtrap moves what make her woke up and when she saw awoken Springtrap what is blushing, she couldn't do anything else than blushes too. Mangle jumped back few feets from Springtrap apologizing him. Springtrap hearing Mangle just giggle and smile softly.

- It's not a problem Mangle, but I have to ask~. How that ended up like that?

- Ehh... Uhh... - Mangle didn't knew what to say 

- Well... if you don't want to say then you don't need to. After all I am not forcing you

Mangle was thinking what should she say and after that she sighed 

- It's just... - turning her sight - I was worring about you because I wasn't saw you two days at row so I... I just came in visit and when I came closer to you - she blushes - you grabbed me when you were sleeping and I could get up

- ... - Springtrap's face exploded with red colours - sorry about that... I made you problems like always - he sighs

- No. It's... it wasn't that bad... I guess 

from back

- O don't want to interrupt you both~ we don't have problems seeing you both flirting of course, but doing that in front of us~ - Springla giggles - you both don't have shame~~

Mangle realize that she is not alone with Springtrap, she turned back and saw Springla with Diana

- W-w-wait.. h-how l-long y-you both w-were t-there? - Mangle was stuttering

- indeed. I have the same question - Springtrap join

- Nah, it wasn't that long - Diana smiles - by the way , how you feel right now Springtrap?

- Well... It was a really nice awaking - turning sight - But don't change topic!

- Yeah yeah, of course, but we both couldn't resist not coming here - Springla smiles - and it was really worth it 

- O-okey... - Mangle blushes - and what Diana is doing here?

- I just called her - Springla replies

- Indeed - Diana nods - normally I would draw right now but hearing that you came in visit, I just couldn't resist and came here

- Ehh... - Springtrap sighs - please don't say that you made photo of us...

- I? - Diana asks - I would never~ - adds

- Yeah... I am not that stupd, I know that you made ages ago a lot of photos to Goldy so don't try to play innocent one - Springtrap made poker face

- You noticed me?! - Diana asks

- Of course I did, from start - he smiles - but I didn't want tell G. because I thought that it will be funny - but anyway. Give me you camera

- I didn't took with me today - Diana refuses to give her camera

- If you don't give me, I will say to G. that you were stalking him for 9 years~

- Fuck, so you noticed from start - she sighs - fine, but what you are going to do with that?

- Of course that I delating it - he smiles

- ... - Mangle didn't knew what to say - actually... can I get that photo?

everybody hearing that was shocked and didn't knew how to answer on that question

- Eee... why you want that photo? - Springtrap asks

- It's just... I want keep that photo - Mangle answers

- ... ... ... - everybody din't know what to say again

- fine - Springtrap replies - but on one condition 

- yeah 

- Only on your phone - answers

- can you do that?

- Of course I can, but after that I delating photo from camera

- please no - Diana cries - don't delate my masterpiece~... - replies

 - too late

- ehhh... - Springla sigh - and I hoped that I will get something finally against you 

- hehehe. It's one of reasons why I delating that - he giggles derisively - but before that~ - after taking camera he closed doors by using his telekinesis abilities - to many people - he smies

- Why you closed the doors?! - Mangle asks

- You know, hehe. It's quite emberessing... - smiles - anyway, if we are already here - rolling eyes - I thought that you were just joking that you come to my home if my sick get worse

- You know that I never lying - smiles - andyway, what about that pic?

- oh, right, lemme save that fist on my phone

Springtrap tried standed up

- want help?

- nah~, I'll stand on my own, after all 2 days can't be that bad - he smiles again

- if you say so~. In that case... where I can sit?

- everywhere. Feel, like you would be in your own room

-alright~... - Mangle sat on Sprigtrap's bed

- I know that I said everywhere but why you choosed bed?

- Uhm... - blushes - I don't know... Can't I?

- You can of course, I don't see any problems anyway - dying inside

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