Chapter 10 - part 3

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After Mangle and Frexy came back to the dining room Frexy was dissappointed because of Mangle actions. Frexy enjoy and even love watching romances and the most see them in real life but in that example she just sighed. Mangle noticed Frexy's face and immediately she knew what Frexy is thinking so she started that talk:

- Sorry sis that you didn't get your romance but I think that there is nothing to be angry about

- I am not angry~, I am just dissappointed of you - Frexy replies - you had a really good chance to talk with him and yet~ you did nothing - putting hand on face - so~ what you think, when will happen similiar moment?

- ... I am sorry... I know that it was perfect moment~ but what you think, how would he react by seeing me in that place?

- you exaggerate like always Mangle~ we are not in school, life is nothing what you can predict, you think that I and Freddy waited that much with a confession?

- Ehhh... You have right like always Frexy~ but~ we still weren't on 3 dates~

- you seriously stick to this stereotype about 3 dates? this is holdover~ - face palm

- so what propose you have?

- Nothing~ it's your life~ you have to go by your own path~ I just wish you good luck and I hope that you won't regret it~ - "started to whisping - I regret many things after all~..."

- What?

- Nothing~ - smiles

- So are going to out now?

- Well~ here's nothing to do anyway, so let's go~

Mangle and Frexy came out of the pizzeria, they were satisfied about that day because Frexy get her pizza and Mangle discover that Springy works there too. When they were talking to house they even was wondering if they shouldn't to came there tomorrow too but they laughed because they realized that they don't have enough money for that.

Then Frexy proposed Mangle to work there. Mangle seeing that started to thinking about that but in the end she said that she will think about that but that answer didn't satisfied Frexy so to be 100% sure that she will be working there, she say that if she will be working there, she will be have chance to talk with her boyfriend, what makes Mangle blushes but in the end she repeated that she will think about that.

That time Frexy didn't to drill down on that topic so she normally asked her about name of her boyfriend because she won't be calling him "your boyfriend" forever.  That question make Mangle thinking if she should tell her his true name but then she realizes that if she tell, she will be suspisious about that in future so she without any big moment of thinking she reminded herself Springy's surname. She just said "Spring Bonnie".

- So Spring Bonnie~ interesting name I think - Frexy says

- hmmm... by you tone you sound like you didn't think in that way~

- Yes, I mean no... well, let's say that it's quite a unusual name

- Heh, now you see that my future boyfriend is special~

- "Future"~ - repeats - so you really want him~

- Eee... - blushes a little - Well... sure~ - scratching her neck 

- Fine~ we are anyway in front of house now so~ let's finish that talk about it now~

- And what about Foxy?

- You know him~ he probably already forgot

They both laugh 

- You right~ he is that silly, that he forget many times what he was doing few seconds ago~

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