Chapter 14 - part 2

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After 20 minutes Springla was standing in front of sleeping Spingtrap's face but Springtrap is hard sleeper so she breath into Springtrap ear what automatically made him open his eyes. First thing what he did, was kick in Springla stomach what makes her fly into ceiling but because of that, that ceiling was made of concrete, she just bounced making at the same time a little crack. After realizing that he kicked her sister he just sigh and ask her how she get to his room.

- You forgot... to close the window... - she spat out blood from her mouth - I have to admit that your strength when you're half conscious is amazing...

- Right~, so how long you have been standing looking at me?

- something like 5 minutes - blood flows out from her nose

- Do you want hanky? 

- No thanks, I'll be fine, but I have to admit that if I wouldn't train for that few months~ I would be laying dead on the ground~

- Then good to know that you didn't skip traings and train a little

- Yeah, I found a little time for that. So~ are you ready?

- I born ready but first~ please change your clothes~

- My "totally unsuspectable outfit"? never~ 

- Then I will have to do that by myself - he rolled up his sleeves and started to coming closer Springla with that his purple eyes

- Wait! - she cried out in desperation - I don't have any underwear!

- And from when it's a problem?~, I remember that you enjoyed shared baths~ 


- Don't be shy~, I am your brother~

- Don't you even dare!~

- Oh I will

- Shit - she tried to jump out the window but Springtrap used his gravitation powers what makes her impossible to move - LET ME GO!

- You know that you won't escape from me~

- p l e a s e   b e   g e n t l e - she said it with a little blush on her face

- You know that it won't work at me?

- Shit! I forgot... you know that if you undress me~ you will be had to take the resposibility

- responsibility? interesting~ what that responsibility would be~

- You would be had to marry me~

- Sorry but I already have girlfriend~

- Wait, WHAT?!

in the same time her clothes couldn't hold the pressure of the gravitation what makes them ruffle, Springla realizing that she blushed. Her face was purple as hell.

- Shit - his eyes back to normal - I used too much force. Sorry?

Springla has been covering her private places and started to cry a little

- YOU BAKA!~ - and she run out of his room

- Well~... - scratching his cheek - I wasn't expecting that this conversation could get in that direction but~ I have to admit that by that 10 years Springla'a body get beautifuller~... - "started to thinking - Well. Wonder if I wouldn't meet Mangel at the first place, I would to pick up to my sister~" - but the he responds to himself - nah~ it would be too incesting~

He opened the doors and went floor below to see if Diana didn't come but it has been looking like she didn't come yet and he think like that because Fredbear is running from one side to another side of the floor. But to make everything funnier he stuck his leg out and made Fredbear fell on the ground. 

- W h y ? - trying to stand up

-  You know that I couldn't resist bro~

- Ehh... - sighed - you right~ but thanks, you make me calm

- No problem like always~ so is Diana come?

- Not yet...

Saying that at the same time, sound of a bell interrupted

- Well~ I have to admit that it's a good timing~ - he patted Fredbear's shoulder - good luck bro~

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