chapter 7 "Young one"

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While Mangle has been returning to house, she was wondering about what Springtrap said to her ear, "Did I misheard? or maybe he really said that he was trained by God himself" she thought and then Mangle started to wondering "Hmmm... I wonder how heaven really looks like~... and what God trained Springtrap~" and because of the way he spoke before, she came to conclusion that there is more that one

"Heh, Christian religion just overthrowned" Mangle thought just laughing of her own words adding to that "Meh, I anyway haven't been Christian so it's not a really problem to me, but if that would heard Frexy~, she would be just mad at me~" then she laugh again

Her laugh interrups little kid, it was a small red rabbit with flashy dark green eyes

- Don't laugh about staff like that~ Yahweh really exist - showing on his face angriness

- Really? - Mangle crouches - Where is your mom young one? - Mangle asked with smile on her face

- My great grandfather send me here~ - showing flustration that somebody thinks of him as a child

- Is that so~ then where is your great grandfather and what's your name anyway?

Akai stopped paying attention at what she was saying because he noticed Springtrap what was walking off the building, seeing that he just runned at Springtrap saying really loud "Uncle Spring~"

Springtrap hearing that he noticed a face what he know and wasn't seen for a while, he just was shocked that he doesn't really was thinking about he was talking

- Ninigi!! what you are doing here! 

then Akai jumped at Springtrap saying:

- hehehe~ long time no see uncle~ - smiling

Mangle overheard what Springtrap said and she just Crushed just like Foxy frequently and that's wasn't because his uncle was Springtrap, it was because she heard how Springtrap called him

Mangle beeing really familiar with world mythologies she realize that she was talking to God and not just normal God, she was talking to Ninigi! the grandson of Amaterasu! but then she realize something.

Mangle realize that something isn't right because in Japanese mythology he was sended by his grandmother Amaterasu on the Earth but he said before that "his great grandfather send him here"

Mangle just came closer and asked him

- Did I heard well that you are Ninigi? 

Aikai turned back looking at Mangle again smiling

- so you finally realized that you was talking to God?

Mangle began to stutter before she wanted bowed, she was stopped by Springtrap what said

- I know that you are standing against God but please, don't bow just here, it will be embarrassing~

Mangle realizing what she wanted to did just blushed from embarrassing

- Anyways why in mythology telling heresies? aren't Amaterasu supposed to be woman? and your grandmother?

- Don't you know that mythologys are still myths, you don't know when they telling true and when not - Springtrap respond

- Right~... - Mangle rolled in left her eyes - I think that you right. So~ what's your true name?

- Pawlos Akai Dragon, next successor of Dragon's clan - replies proudly

- Then why you was called Ninigi in myths? - Mangle asks

- Then why the same God is called differently by Christians and Islamian? - answers with a question

- heh, I think that you right... then how should I call you? - Mangle wonders

- I like name what gave me grandfather so call me Akai~ - replying with smile

- Okey then Akai~ - replying with smile too

Springtrap interrupting 

- It's really nice talk but can we change location?

- Why? - Mangle and Akai wonders

- Some people would have been thinking about us as a couple~ so~, heh. - Springtrap replies

Mangle blushes again but that time she was red as a beetroot

 - I think that you have right... let's change location, where you want go?

In mind Mangle realized that she said that like she was inviting Springtrap for a date what makes her still blush but Springtrap didn't realize that because Mangle was already red

- then what about Park? - Springtrap asks

- hmmm... okey then - Mangle answers without thinking

In her mind she was replying  all the time words "OMG OMG OMG~...It's really will looks like date" and after replies that 4 times she heard telepathically Akai's words "Btw, I can read mind and your's preatty interesting" 

Mangle was feeling like she could collapse to the underground but the she head in her head "don't worry, I won't tell uncle and you know what?", then Mangle thought "w-what?" then she heard "I ship it"

Mangle blushes so hard that she could lose consciousness but because of Springtrap presence,  she held back

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