chapter 30 - part 6

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Foxy, Frexy and Mangle stared and Pawlos with curiousity of what they could hear. But especially the most curious people were Mangle and Frexy

- Well~ - smiles - I knew from beggining that sooner or later such a question will shown~ - Pawlos said and sigh after it - Depends of in what mythology you searching, I am God of War, in other places Death or Life. Mostly people visible me as a merciless God what slay anyone for his Prayers~. BUt~~, it's not far from true tho theirs images get from legends about me

- Legends? - Springtrap  interrupted - like what

- Mostly they are saying that I am half blooded God what vains aren't necessary fully pure. There is said that my mother is Goddess of War, her father being one of 7 Archangels. Guardian of Death souls was his tittle in the beginning but after he Fall~~... - sighs - He became to be called as a Devil~. God of Death and Underworld. Lucifer.

- I didn't knew that you have such a complicated genealogy~ - Mangle said

- Yeah yeah. Everyone are shocked when they hear that but that's not end of story~. There is as well my great grandpa. There was said that he was beggining and when his time will come, everything will colapse. It sound like everything is on his back but it's not. It's just myth tho it's not a lie that he was one of first beings in multiverse.

- What mythology say that he is like you say? - she continued

- Basically saying it's Coranth. This civilization exist no more tho~, but their etries had been save in Divine Library where all knowledge of all Dimensions is kept there.

- Oh~ - Mangle looks at Pawlos with a little confused face 

- You described so much your Great Grandpa tho. is it mean that you love him most in your family?

- Welp. Obviously~. My great grandpa was always for me just like my mom but mostly he. We both spended so much time together that our bond can pale all of mortal relations *smiles*. That's why I like Detlhian's mytheology. Me and my Great Grandpa are shown there as a inseparable duo~. 

- hmmmm? - Frexy's brain burns our of so many informations. Especially hearing about other civilizations - so... how you both there are show like?

- Basically I am there called as Omega and my Great grandpa as Alpha. There is said that I am end of path and he is beggining even tho we are still so close. This is interpreted that life is short and brittle. We born and die so soon. Other thing is that in this mytheology I am truely shown what's my tittle really are. While my Great granpa is God of Creation, I am God of inevitable  Destiny - Pawlos smiled

- oh~ - Frexy said trying to process it as a mortal - you should say it from beggining that you are God of Destiny~~

- Nah. I am God of Fate silly - Pawlos giggled 

- he? - Frexy made confused face

- Inevitable Destiny can be translated as a Fate and yet you literally said what you heard without thinking longer - laughs

- Can you blame her? - Springtrap said

- Nope. After all she still is really young and by that she still has a lot to learn - smiles - use your life wisely~. Even if Animatronics can stand alive really long~. They soul is brittle's of all of species. - ^^ - After destroying soul. You will just disappear without even a chance for reincarnation~~

- Is it true Springy? - Mangle asked

- it is true - Springtrap nodded - As Akaryu said~ - smiles - but to make it in easier words - looks up - our souls are separated as a 4 shards. If every shard will broke~ - pauses - We will die immediately turning into dust

- Actually~, It's like on Detlha - Pawlos interrupted - there life 3 species but one of them take fully source of their soul to live. If their soul will broke and without doing anything fast~ - pauses - they will vanish into Void

- Indeed - Springtrap nodded - Monsters can be compared to Animatronics tho their phisicall body is fully connected to their soul while our is totally separated

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