Chapter 14- Jealous

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This was going to be a long night. We made our first stop at the ever so famous shave ice stand just outside the hotel. Richard was quiet, too quiet in fact. I found it strange because for as long as I've known this man, he hasn't been able to shut up for more than 2 minutes. Odd, but I wasn't complaining.

While checking out the resort area we noticed a crowd gathering outside one of the hotels sushi bars. We figured they might have been having a chef's special or something tonight so without hesitation Chris dragged us in that direction. The hostess welcomed us with a friendly smile and guided us to the few free seats at the sushi bar. I ended up seated in between Richard and Chris, not the best situation to land myself in but I could only hope stuffing my face with pieces of California rolls will help me avoid any unnecessary conversation.

Our speculations were right. Tonight was one of those nights where the chef graces everyone with his presence and makes their dinner right in front of them. The crowd clapped as he stepped into the middle of the wrap around bar.

"You know, I once tried making sushi at home," Chris leaned closer to me to say.

"Oh really? And how did that turn out?"

"It was edible okay, and that's all that matters," he answered defensively.

"Why did I even ask," I chuckled.

As the chef began laying out his bamboo mats, rice and seaweed, my attention was diverted to the voice that came from my far right.

"Is this seat taken?" A dark haired girl in a bikini top and shorts asked Richard as she pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"No, not at all," he replied and pulled out the chair for her. She whispered a thanks at his gesture before taking her seat.

"Looks like I don't have to find him a distraction after all. Junior is doing fine all on his own," Chris commented loud enough for only me to hear. I nodded and tried to keep my reaction to a minimum.

"I'm Lia," the girl introduced with an outstretched hand.

"Richard," he replied with a handshake.

Wow. Smooth.

I motioned with a smile and a wave to the bar tender that was doing his rounds. He made his way over with a little white note pad in hand.

"What can I get you, Miss?" He asked. When Chris had noticed his presence he shot me an awfully judgmental look.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You do know we have work tomorrow, right?"

"So?" I shrugged.

"So? Is alcohol really the best idea? Plus I think we've both had enough for the day."

"Chris, chill. Who said anything about alcohol, I just want a drink," I reassured him. I could understand why he'd make that assumption considering how I acted on the plane ride here.

"I'll have one of your finest mocktails. Anything tropical," I told the bar tender.

He let out a little chuckle before replying, "this is Hawaii, everything is tropical. Would you like to look at the menu?"

I dwindled on the thought for a second but instead, found myself shooting him a smile and saying, "surprise me."

I have to admit, that sounded a little flirtatious to me which was never my intention. Honestly, I was surprised and low-key annoyed by my response. This wasn't me. It seemed like someone else had the same thought as I caught Richard looking over at me as soon as the friendly bar tender left.

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