Chapter 29- Live a little

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"Soooo in a nutshell..."

Anna looked at me completely bumfuzzled as she tried to comprehend everything that I've told her.

"Mr Stranger from the club is Richard Camacho, the baby one not senior, who is also Joel's best friend AND your boss who you're now sleeping with." She took a large sip from the red wine that she twirled around in the glass in her hand.

"I am not sleeping with him and stop making me sound like a hoe but yeah everything you said pretty much sums it up," I gulped down whatever water remained in the glass in front of me.

"Well," she planted her hands on her hips, "and here I thought I was the one with the interesting life."

"This situation is far from interesting, Anna."

"Uhm ma'am? Have you seen that man? Well, you've done more than see him but have you SEEN him? He qualifies as interesting in my books," she fanned herself with her hand flapping back and forth in front of her face. Miss drama queen.


"Who qualifies as interesting in your books?" Saved by the Joel, as he made his way into the kitchen, freshly showered and changed into comfy sweats and a hoodie.

I widened my eyes at Anna, silently warning her not to say anything to Joel. Joel was Richard's best friend and the last thing I wanted was for him to find out about what happened. Obviously I knew there was a chance that Richard would tell him eventually, they're guys and which guys dont talk about these things- they gossip almost as much as us, I just didn't want him to hear it from me. It just felt weird.

"Uhm, your bestie."

Ay Joder, Anna! She couldn't keep her mouth shut could she?


"Yeah, I was just telling Ri that he gives off VERY mysterious vibes, hence interesting." Okayyyy, so maybe she could keep her mouth shut.

Joel shot me a knowing look. Given our history and the conversation about Richard we had not so long ago, a conversation that Anna still didn't know about, Joel was definitely going to draw his own conclusions from what Anna said.

"Huh," was all he replied and scratched his chin as if he was deep in thought.

"That's it? You're not gonna offer to spill the tea on him? Like ANY tea?" Anna raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled.

"Lo siento bébé, pero bro's before h..." He stopped mind sentence, thinking twice before saying what we knew he was about to say.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying? Bro's beforeeeee?" Anna had her 'now there's gonna be trouble' tone on and Joel knew that.

"Before HOT, alluring, voluptuous, luscious, sexy girlfriends," he saved his ass smoothly with a smirk.

"Good to know you've memorized every complimentary word in the dictionary, my guy," I complimented him.

"It came in handy didn't it?"

"Wow, Anna is still here! You could've at least waited for me to leave the room before you admitted you didn't mean none of that," Anna bellowed with a fake frown marrying her brows.

"Of course I meant it, hermosa." He pecked her quickly on her cheek and I looked away momentarily, feeling like I was intruding.

Urgh, where's Zabdiel when I needed him?

"You better," she pretended to be unphased by his action but I could practically see the butterflies in her stomach. She acted all tough but in reality she was just like every other girl, emotionally programmed to react to certain things in a certain way.

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