Chapter 4- Mr Stranger

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The flickering lights of the club seemed brighter than last night and stranger enough it seemed even more packed. Seriously? Did people not have work or something. It was Monday after all. Zabdiel navigated us through the crowd towards the bar. Tonight, EDM was blasting through the speakers sending a vibration through my body. The wave of euphoric music was almost enough for me to be caught up in a trance and forget everything.

"Hey, dude. One old fashioned," Zab ordered and the bar tender on the other side nodded.

"Tequila shots," I yelled over the ear numbingly loud music, "keep em coming."

Zabdiel looked at me strangely as if he had heard me speak another language. "What?" I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"Nada," he shrugged and answered with a smile.


After downing his 3rd drink and after my 5th shot, we both felt the dancefloor calling out to us. It was crowded and the smell of sweat and alcohol lingered in the air. The music led my body, swaying from side to side and jumping up and down to the beat. I never learn do I! I could feel my dinner from earlier trying to crawl its way back up so I immediately stopped doing whatever I was doing. Anna wasn't here tonight to hold my hair back while I puke my insides out. Zab noticed and gave me a concerning look. I gestured towards the bar and he seemed to understand.

"I'll be back," I yelled out to him.

I didn't want to ruin his fun with my alcohol intolerant ass so I urged him to stay. As I looked back at where I left him I noticed a petite brunnete slowly dancing her way into where I was standing. Well, Zab was about to have an interesting night. I took a seat on the bar stool and ordered a tall glass of ice water, the only thing that could've possibly helped my situation.

They'd be so disappointed in you!

Is this how you deal with your shit? Drinking the pain away?

You forgot for the first time in 6 years, Raelynn! Deal with it!

You could've went home to your sister but here you are! Pathetic!

You think you're the only one felling like this? Imagine how Julianna is going to feel when she makes the same realization as you!

Out of nowhere, I felt a rush of mixed emotions as my subconscious attacked me. It hurt like a stab to the heart, or worse. Like someone had twisted the blade as if it hadn't done its job. I chugged down my water and laid my head down on the bar. I closed my eyes, praying that all these thoughts would disappear into the deep abyss of my mind. Could this night get any worse? There was voices all around, chatting, yelling even fighting. I felt someone come up next to me but I didn't bothered lifting my head up. That was until I heard this person speak.

Oh God no!

"Hey, bro. One beer," said the voice.

The tinge of raspyness sent a chill down my spine and that underlying accent was way to familiar for me to ignore. It was imprinted in my mind since last night. Just my luck hey. Yet still, a part of me wanted this to just be a coincidence. Maybe I should just keep my head down until he leaves? I mean its not like he knows its me and I'm not so sure its him either.

"Hey, Miss. Are you okay?" The bar tender guy asked, drawing all attention to yours truly.

You've got to be kidding me! You fucking asshole!

I slowly raised my head and kept my hair that had fallen over in its place to block the side of my face from...well whoever that was.

"I'm fine," I fake smiled through gritted teeth to get this pendejo off my back.

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