Chapter 24- Psychosomatic pain

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"Richard?" Joel followed me in saying, clearly in the same amount of shock seeing his friend here.


"Anna!" My delinquent sister blurted out and threw her free hand up in the air for dramatic flair.

"Good to see you again, Anna," Richard said.

"Right back at ya, boss man. How were the tamales?"


"Okay!" My brain could not process the exchange that was happening right in front of my eyes. "What is happening here and how do you 2 know each other?"

"Remember that day I decided to show up at the office for lunch and you weren't there? Well, Richard scored your lunch that day so if y'all are gonna be arguing over the tamales then I'm just gonna watch from the side lines....okay?" Yeah my sister was just as buzzed as me. She grabbed Joel by his hand and dragged him along with her to the bar, leaving me to deal with this on my own.

"Uhm okay, guess I'll introduce myself then. Hey, I'm Zabdiel," Zab extended his hand for Richard to shake.


"Yeah, that much I gathered," Zab joked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked once more, hoping that this time around I actually got my question answered.

"I could ask you the same question."

"Uhm, it's my aunt's wedding."

"Well in that case, your aunt just married my father's best friend," he stated, clearly amused.

You've got to be kidding me! I get the whole 'what a small world' saying but this was just ridiculous. And not to mention, cruel!

"Wait, your FATHER is here?" This was never a predicament I ever expected to find myself in.

"Yes. And my mother."

"Fantastic," I muttered and held out a hand to grab ahold of the cocktail table to steady myself, feeling extra giddy all of a sudden.

"Mija?" My mind linked the voice to the face and my eyes immediately shot up from the ground they were currently focusing on.

My boss stood in front of me with a woman, who I could only assume was his wife, next to him. Oh, she was most definitely his wife, she shared one too many features with their son to be anything but. Richard's eyes were the same colour as hers and his nose the same shape. Under normal circumstances I would've been thrilled to meet her but right now, being somewhat wasted and disgusting, I wished I would evaporate. She looked so sophisticated and elegant, whereas I looked like trash, but she had a scowl on her face that was definitely aimed at me.

"Sir, what a surprise," I forced a warm smile to grace my features.

"Indeed," he replied. "Ah, mi amor," he turned to his wife to say. "This is Raelynn Rivera, head of the legal department at the firm."

"Hi, Mrs Camacho. It's really lovely to meet you," I extended a friendly hand.

"And you," was all she said with a smile as fake as mine and briefly shook my hand.

To not be rude, I introduced Zabdiel who remained at my side in silence so much so that I almost forgot he was here.

"So, what are you doing here?" My boss asked me. He clearly hasn't gotten the memo yet.

"Emily is Riley's aunt," Richard told his father.

"Que maravilloso!" He said enthusiastically. "Micheal and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. It's strange that our path has never crossed before."

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