Chapter 40- Cheerful

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A voice whispered so close to my ear that I could feel the coolness of the breath against the skin of my neck. I wiggled in my sleep not really comprehending the spoken words.

A dream, I told myself. Just a dream.

"Amor?" I heard the same voice again, this time it came along with the brush of soft lips against the nape of my neck.

My brain and my mind jolted awake, my hands already balling into fists ready to karate chop the shit out of this person. I turned onto my back and threw my hand in a punch only for it to be caught by the wrist.

"You could hurt someone with those," the voice I thought was from my dream chuckled.

"Richard? What the hell?" Confused, shocked and dazed from sleep I asked.

"Yeah I missed you too, sweetheart," he teased, playing with my chin between his thumb and forefinger.

"You could've gotten a black eye from me."

"Its a good thing I have quick reflexes then." Even in the dark I could sense his ghost of a smirk as he bent his head down and briefly brought his lips to mine.

Oh, I've missed this- I thought with a smile as I kissed him back. It had only been 4 days but without Richard's touch it felt like 40. Wow, has it really come to this? Am I really THAT girl?

You mean a girl who's in love but refuses to acknowledge it?

Yeah, that one.


"You're a day early," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and keeping him in place hovering above me.

"Are you complaining?" My eyes began to adjust to the darkness and I saw him cock an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah I'm distraught! As you can tell," I answered sarcastically. Then j realised. Richard was HERE. In MY house. In MY bed. What? "Wait, how did you get in?"

He chuckled and reached behind him, shoving his hand inside his back pocket and pulling out a key.

"You have a key? To my house?" Way to state the obvious, Riley.

"Anna had one made for me," he said boastfully.


"I don't know," he laughed. "Why dont you ask her?"

"Oh I will. But not right now," I pulled his neck down and took his bottom lip between my teeth before landing a kiss.

It wasnt a brief kiss this time. His tongue darted out, parting my lips for him to deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around his body, snaking my hands up the back of his tshirt. He moans in my mouth as I gently drag my nails along his back and he moves his assault to my jaw. Moving down my neck, kissing, sucking and biting, he leaves a trail of goosebumps in his path.

"I missed you," I say when he brings his one hand up to my face, tilting my head to the side so that he had better assess to my neck.

"Yeah?" I could feel him smirk against me. He snaked his hand under the baggy tshirt that I had on and played with my nipples, pinching and rolling them between his fingers. I let out a soft moan from the pleasure, wanting to feel his hands on other parts of me. As if hearing my thoughts, I feel his hand caress my torso, over my stomach and all the way down to the elastic of my sleep shorts. His fingers linger on my hips teasingly while he moves his lips back to mine. I feel him begin to slip hand inside the material covering my core when a sharp, cramping pain ripples through my abdomen.

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