Chapter 5- Guilt

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I felt a heavy hand draped around my waist as I began to come to it. It felt safe and oh so comfortable. The bare, hard chest that my cheek laid flat against rose and fell evenly. I snuggled closer into my new found safe haven and threw my arms around it, claiming the space as mine. Yeah, it took me a few moments to figure it out.

Oh. My. Fucking. God!

My eyes shot open in realization and subtle terror. Richard, who's body I'd just wrapped myself around, was sound asleep next to me. His breathing made the tiny baby hairs on the top of my head move. What the hell was I doing here? Where even is here?

Richards bedroom, obviously. That was a dumb question.

I moved as slow as I could, peeling his hand off of me and maneuvering to the edge of the bed. I held my breath when he groaned in his sleep and turned onto his back. My clothes were still on so that was a good sign. I may have been drunk but I wasn't that drunk.

Sure! You were drunk enough to pass out in a strangers car.

I searched the floor for my shoes, tiptoeing around until I found them along with my purse and cellphone. I stalked through the apartment as I made my way to the door. I scanned everywhere for the keys. Normal people usually keep keys in a rack or bowl or hang them up somewhere near the damn door, but I found nothing. I almost screamed out loud in frustration but mustered all my courage to hold it in.

"It's security code locked," I heard Richard say from behind me, causing me to nearly leap out of my skin. He leaned against the door frame of his room, wearing nothing but his boxers. Really dude? I couldn't hep but stare at the copious amount of tattoos that adorned his body. The design of the compass on the left side of his body, the thick bands around his left arm, the arrows on the inner surface of his forearm. But what intrigued me the most was the black and red wings that expanded across his chest. Highly distracting.

"Huh?" I eventually managed to stop gawking like a salivating Neanderthal,

He chuckled, clearly amused. "The door. It opens with a code," he explained.

I returned my attention to my only exit out of this apartment and fair enough a little black something with buttons smiled mockingly at me. Just my luck!

"Well, would you mind entering it so I can leave?"

"No," he said and crossed his arms across his chest, flexing his muscles in all the right places. I must have a lot of ear wax because it sounded like he just told me he won't let me leave.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, hoping that I just didn't hear him clearly the first time around.

"I'm not going to let you leave right now," he repeated.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why the hell not?" Okay, was he really the son of a mafia leader because I swear I was just joking about that?

"Well for one, your shoes aren't even on," he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes and slipped my pumps onto my feet. So maybe it slipped my mind to actually put my shoes on in my efforts to get out of this apartment before the guy wakes up.

"And second, last night you could've easily passed out in the parking lot if I hadn't been there. You're clearly hungover and you're not going anywhere until we fix that."

I opened my mouth to protest and give him a peace of my mind but he wasn't exactly lying. But still, who does he think he is?

"Look, last night was probably the most embarrassing night of my life and thank you for being there, seriously, but I really got to get going. I have somewhere to be."

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