Chapter 47- Grief

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2 months later

"Hey you." Richard smiled as I walked into his hospital room and gently shifted in bed to sit upright upon seeing me.

"Hey," I smiled back, making my way towards the side of the bed with the little sofa next to him. "You look cheerful," I noted.

I hadn't seen him smile this wide in 2 months. After the accident, Richard and Anna had been a mess. Richard's emotions were hard to read for the most part. It was as if he was in denial that anything even happened while Anna just didnt have the emotional capability to cope with losing the first person she'd loved after a very long time. Richard didnt make the funeral as he was stuck in the hospital bed, which only made him being able to hide his emotions all that much easier. Anna hadn't been at work for the past 2 months, spending most of her days locked in her room. I'd see her for a few minutes a day when she needed something from the kitchen but she'd barely say 2 words to me. I didnt push her because I knew she needed to grieve. This was exactly how it was for the first few months after our parents had died.

Richards parents had been coming around as often as they could to the hospital. Erick and Layla too. Luseily avoided having any interaction with me most of the time but she had stopped trying to get rid of me so I guess that has been an improvement. Jessica came around that first day of the accident but never again after receiving more than the cold shoulder from Richard. She had finally taken the hint to back off, something I never expected her to do.

I didnt start at the law firm yet and thankfully Richard's dad was understanding about the situation. Chris offered to move my stuff into the new office and I happily agreed knowing that I wouldnt be getting to it anytime soon.

"That's because I'm getting out of here," Richard explained the reason for his expression.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, Zabdiel came by this morning to let me know."

"That's fantastic," I clutched his hand in mine and I felt a stray tear roll down my cheek.

"Hey, you okay baby?" He gently brushed my cheek with the back of his index finger.

"Yeah. I'm just glad you're finally coming home." That was partially the reason for me being emotional.

I remember the moment we got to see him after the surgery. Seeing the machines and monitors that were hooked up to him, the IV lines stuck in him, the bandages and sutures covering up his wounds broke my heart. He didnt look like he'd make it out of this alive and by the time his second reconstructive surgery came around I was losing my mind, nearly convinced that that was the moment I would loose him. He wasn't eating, external fixators were stuck in his forearm, he was in so much of pain that he could barely move out of bed.

"And where's my thank you?" Zabdiel stood in the doorway with his arms crossed and a coy smile plastered across his face.

"You deserve a lot more than a thank you, hermano." Richard said.

"Ah coño, you're not gonna kiss me are you?" Zab joked causing a hearty chuckle to fill the room.

"No but seriously, Zab thank you. For everything." Richard's gratitude was sincere and extremely heartfelt.

"Anytime, brother. Ri, come by the desk in a few, I have the discharge papers for you to sign." He told me before he left the room.

A heavy sigh fell from my chest. This was actually happening. After 2 grueling months of surgery, recovery and physiotherapy I was finally going to be able to see my boyfriend walk out of this god forsaken place.

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