Chapter 6- First impression

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"Hey, man," I answered my cell as Riley's house disappeared in my rear view mirror.

"Bruh, where are you?" Joel asked on the other side. He sounded suspiciously happy this morning.

No way was I going to answer that honestly. "Uhm, on my way home. Why?"

"Erick and I are hitting the gym later, you wanna join? We both know you skipped one too many times these past few days. You're slacking bro."

I could always count on Joel to have no shame in calling my lazy ass out. "Fine. What time?"

"Around 8pm maybe. I've got a busy day, meeting new clients," he said.

"Yeah same. Pops wants me to meet him for lunch to talk about tomorrow."

"Damn. You're not ready are you?" You think, Joel?

"I don't know, man. Can't be that bad right?"

"To have an actual job for once? Woah, that's the worst," he sarcastically replied.

This is what I get for being the only child. Spoilt as fuck, never having to work a single day in my life and just doing what I wanted.

"Fuck off. See you later," I said and hung up on him as I rounded the bend to my apartment.


As I got ready for lunch, throwing on a bomber jacket so that I didn't look like a complete hobo with my sweat pants and tank, I spotted a tube of something on the floor near my bed. Lipstick? It must've slipped out of Riley's bag this morning. Great, now this was going to be a distraction for the rest of the day. Just when I thought I'd gotten her out of my head from the morning, she just swam back in in the form of cosmetics.

Lunch was off to a good start. I was late, as usual, but my parents seemed unfazed. My mother- who I wasn't expecting to be there- had already ordered for me. She gave me that side eye that all children feared from their mothers as I sat down.

"What's the excuse today, mijo?" she joked.

"Uhm, over slept," I shrugged. Yeah, 'I was too distracted by a tube of lipstick that belonged to the drunk girl I brought to my apartment last night' wasn't exactly the best conversation starter.

"You're gonna be able to be at the office by 9am tomorrow?" My dad asked, taking a sip off his whiskey.

"Maybe," I leaned back in my seat, dreading it already.

"And at least try and wear a suit tomorrow, or something formal. Save the sweat pants for casual Friday," he added.

If it was up to me, sweats, cargo pants and jeans would be the only type of pant things to exist. Did we really need dress pants to be invented? Who even came up with that god damn name. It's all just confusing.

By the time lunch was over and Pops had finished giving me the 'Do's and Don'ts' of tomorrow, I was in no mood to hit the gym in a few hours. Call it procrastinating if you want. I went home to crash for a few hours before Joel forced me to work my ass off. That sleep did not help one bit. Filled with images of the feisty brunette that managed to capture all my attention every time she spoke. This was about to be one hard work out.


"About time, man," Joel huffed as I approached.

"Yeah, yeah." I fist pumped him and the green eyed Cubano next to him.

I pulled my tank over my head and threw it on one of the benches next to the weights. The gym was clearing out by now. I always preferred working out without an audience which was hard when this gym was unisex. Erick and I walked over to the treadmills, deciding to start off easy. Something about Erick caught my eye as he fiddled with the settings on the treadmill and got on.

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