Chapter 22- Love funk

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"What the hell, Ri?" Chris asked as I shut the door of my office behind me as fast as I could, drowning out all the shatter and murmurs that was going on just outside my door.

"Can we not talk about this?" I walked over to the couch and plonked down on it with Chris taking up the space next to me.

"No. We will most definitely talk about this. Did he do something because I swear I-"

"No!" I cut him off before he could say anything further. It was true though, as much as I hated to admit it, because blaming Richard would just be that much easier, he really didnt do anything wrong.

"Then what? I'm just trying to be supportive here, Ri but I need to know what's going on before I can do that." He folded his arms across his chest and waited for my response.

Taking a deep breath and sighing, I mentally psyched myself up to speak and expect the pile up of questions that would follow.

"Richards psychotic ex thinks I'm trying to steal her man," I informed him, trying to seem a little less bothered by the situation than I actually was.

"Are you?" he asked with a straight face, taking me by surprise. Out of all the responses I expected to get, sarcastic or otherwise, this was definitely not one of them.

"You did not just ask me that!"

"Can you blame me, Ri? Last week we were plotting to throw the man off a plane and then all of a sudden you're voluntarily sitting next to him on the plane. Don't think I didn't notice how close y'all were on the trip back here. So seriously, what is going on?"

"We decided to put aside our differences and act like ADULTS for once. THAT'S what that was, okay?" I tried to convince him, sparing him some of the details. "Until this girl, who I'm convinced is off her meds, showed up."

He ran a hand through his hair, and leaned back into the couch. "Fuck! I'm sorry."

"For what? You were just calling it as you were seeing it. I bet 90% of the office is thinking the same thing."

"Yeah but I should've believed you without asking such a dumb question," he tilted his head to look at me with a sympathetic gaze.

"Its okay," I joined him slouching on the couch. "I dont think I'm going to leave my office for the rest of the day."

"You need company?" He offered.

"Dont you have your own work to do?" I raised an eyebrow at him because I knew he'd do practically anything to have an excuse for not doing his work.

"I can bring my stuff here," he shrugged. "Plus I could order us a bunch of food and hang a DND sign outside so we can do more eating than working," he winked. "Chipotle?"

This is why I was friends with Chris. He knew the exact things to say at the exact moment. He also almost always knew what I needed to get me out of any funk I was in. The world needs more Chris's.

"You bet!"



Not even 5 minutes after Riley stormed off with that dick, pops burst into my office and he did not look happy.

I was fucked!

"I was on a phone call and then, all of a sudden there was shouting outside my office," he took a seat on the chair across from me. "Care to explain because I KNOW that voice was extremely familiar."

I was cursing myself out under my breath. This is the predicaments I find myself in atleast 80% of the time because I introduced a girl to my family too soon and shit hit the fan not too long after.

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