Chapter 18- Inner demons

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The crowd was huge today, every inch of the restaurant filled with chatter and laughter. Devin showed us to our regular table with 4 menus in hand. We never needed those but he always made it a point to bring them out.

"I'll be back in a few," he said with a nod and left our side.

"Oohh, y'all added butter chicken to the menu! Finally!" Anna squealed.

"How could I not after all your complaining?" dad said with a chuckle.

"So, Riley? Where's my son-in-law today?" My mum asked with a smile.

"Mama!" I complained with a groan. She knew how much I hated that word but always felt the need to trouble me with it.

"I'm messing with you! But seriously though, where is he?" She asked with a radiant smile gracing her face.

" Noah's back at the res, prepping for a mock trial," I told her.

"Mock trials? Already?"

"Junior year, dad, remember?"

"Right, right. When's yours?" he asked.

"In 2 weeks so I still have a little time to prepare."

"I can't believe my baby has one more year left at college then its out into the real world," my mum got all mushy on me, a natural occurrence at these Sunday lunches.

"Well, if you ask me, I think Noah's hiding and I wouldn't blame him after y'all basically interrogated him last week," Anna added in her two cents.

Our parents laughed at her response.

"Oh mija, it's tradition. Every man that our daughters bring home have to undergo some sort of questioning if they are to be accepted into our family," dad said and shot a quick smile at mum. "Now, we're waiting on yours, Anna."

"Oh no, no, no. Never. I will elope before you lot ever meet him." Anna rebut.

"Of course you will, baby," mum mocked knowing well that Anna could not survive without us. There was no way she was capable of eloping.

"I'm serious!" she was adamant and trying her hardest to convince us just as Devin arrived to take our order.


"You okay?" Noah asked while running his fingers through my hair as I laid on his bare chest.

His back rested against the headboard of the bed while his one arm wrapped around my shoulder and held me close to him. The feel of the cool cotton sheets against my bare skin felt almost....euphoric.

"Mmm hmm," I nodded and looked up at him with a smile.

He ran his thumb along my lower lip before asking, "You sure?" with genuine concern written all over his face.

"Uhm," I crossed my arms across his chest and laid my chin on it. "There's a little...pain and I feel like I might not be able to walk for a week but I don't regret a single moment of it," I assured him.

He brought my face closer to his with a guiding finger on my chin. His lips connected with mine for a slow, gentle kiss. The warmth of his skin radiated as I slowly climbed on top of him to deepen the kiss, taking him by surprise. This kiss was unlike any we shared in the past. It was slow and savored and almost timeless. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as his tongue touched mine, remembering where that tongue was not so long ago and the flame that it created in the pit of my stomach. With every stroke of his tongue, I yearned for that same feeling again, hungry for it but I knew the pain down there wouldn't allow it. My phone buzzed on the desk across the room where some of my clothes and his had landed, ruining the moment.

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