Chapter 48- Remembrance

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I stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and trying to be as cautious as possible not to bump into anything. One injured person in the house was more than enough. The house was silent in the dead of morning as I switched on the coffee maker. Anna laid sprawled out on the couch, her one leg hanging over the side. She had fallen asleep halfway through an episode of Outer Banks and so we didnt want to disturb her by waking her up. We've learnt from past mistakes okay.

Richard's parents were coming over today and that thought had kept me up for most of the night. Even though his mum and I were doing slightly better, the thought of her and my freaking boss coming over to my house really intimidated the shit out of me. I pulled off the notepad that was stuck on the fridge with a magnet, grabbed a pen from the draw that we kept all our knickknacks in, poured myself a cup of decadent black coffee and began writing out a list of things I needed from the store for later today.

Food always made a good impression right? And thank god I was a decent enough cook.

"Morning," Richard greeted when he entered the kitchen, coming up behind me and stealing a quick kiss.


"What are you doing?" He helped himself to the coffee and pulled up a bar stool next to me.

"Oh, uhm. What do you think, chicken or salmon?" I asked after giving up the internal debate i had going on with myself.

"Uhm salmon?" He answered confusedly.

"Okay. Asparagus or Arugula?"

"Asparagus? Bébé what are you going on about at 7 in the morning?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Oh sorry," I mentally face palmed, realizing that I hadn't even told him my plans. "I'm making dinner for your parents. Or late lunch, whenever they decide to show." I shrugged nonchalantly when really I hated the fact that we didnt have a definite time of arrival.

"At 7am?"

"No. I'm making a list of things I need to get."

"What time are you heading out?"

"In the next 2 hours maybe. Why?"

"I'm coming with you."

"You dont have to. I-"

"No, theres somewhere I need to go." He explained. "Oh and Anna should come too."

I looked at him with furrowed brows, not seeing what place he and Anna could possibly have in common. "Why?"

"Just trust me, okay. She needs it."


"I'm gonna wake Anna up," he said, getting up from his stool and stalking towards Anna on the couch. He shook her by her shoulders which was only able to get a groan out of her. "Anna?" He sung and ran the corner or the couch cushion under her nose.

"Richard, let her sleep." I warned, chuckling softly from the kitchen.

"Annaaaa?" Richard continued and I watched as Anna flung her hands in the air in her sleep.

"No." She groaned sleepily.

"Wake up!" Richard called to her again.

"Go away."

"No. C'mon we're going somewhere." Richard tried to convince her.

"But I want to sleep."

"Yeah you can sleep in the car until we get there."

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