Chapter 21- Speed dial 1

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"You really wanna know what I did this weekend?" I asked Chris as we stepped off the elevator car and onto our floor.

"Please, enlighten me?"

"Babysat my sister," I told him.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked then proceeded to take a sip of his iced coffee.

"She dislocated her shoulder falling in the shower. You would think being a choreographer means she's more balanced than some of us."

I waved at Candice who sat at the front desk as we passed through the office floor. The one thing I did not miss over the past week was the constant shuffling that came from the main cubicles. I couldn't understand how people functioned in such a congested space. Chris and I went our separate ways towards our office's. Closing the door behind me, I tossed my bag onto my desk and the first thing I noticed was a stack of papers laying there. A small stack but a stack nonetheless. I flipped through the pages and noted that it was a list of all the clients we've gotten in the past month which meant time to get to work drafting out legal analyses for each, reviewing their benefits to the company.

This was going to have my attention for the rest of the day so I settled into my chair and pressed the button to switch on my laptop. An email notification popped up at the bottom of my screen and I could already tell who it was from without even having to open the mail. It was a follow up email from Dr Jensen, asking me if I was okay and if I wanted to schedule another appointment. She always did this. It's what made her one of the best psychiatrists in Miami. Her passion and drive for her work and her urge to help clients like me is what made her so approachable. I replied, letting her know that I was okay and that I took her advise. Closing my email, I moved my cursor to the word icon and mentally prepared myself to start my work load when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I called out to the person on the other side without taking my eyes off my screen.

"Good morning," Richard's smooth voice resonated into my office, peeling my attention away from my screen for a second.

"Hey." I felt my lips curl up into a soft smile.

Richard never failed to surprise me with his lack of adherence to the work place dress code. He was always so casual, like today dressed in skinny jeans and a flannel shirt. Perks of being the boss I guess. Hell, if I could dress how I felt I'd come to work with sweat pants and baggy tee's everyday.

"Pops wants to talk to us."

"Us?" That one word snapped me out of my own mind and I found Richard chuckling at my reaction.

"As much as I like the sound of that, no. Cole and Chris as well. Just a review of how the meetings went," he explained.

"Can I sit this one out? I already have stacks of work to do," I asked, trying my luck.


A very unlady like grunt escaped me as I stood and made my way to the door which Richard held open for me. As if on purpose, his fingers gingerly brushed the exposed skin of my shoulders, courtesy of my off the shoulder blouse that I paired with a pencil skirt. He casually slid his hand down to my waist as we walked shoulder to shoulder to the boardroom.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as a few employees passed us by and reached behind me to flick his hand off of me.

"We need to talk you know?" He whispered back, his crisp cool breath stinging my ear

"Hm, about what?" Honestly, that question was more for me than it was for him. What WERE we doing?

"Go to my office when we're done here."

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